Chapter 15-Moving On & Endings

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~Well, I'm an abridger, so I'm entitled to a few ideas of my own. Did they make it? Was the pirate ship there? You can answer it for yourself, but, for me, I say yes it was. And yes, they got away. And got their strength back and had lots of adventures and more than their share of laughs. But that doesn't mean I think they had a happy ending, either. Because, in my opinion, anyway, they squabbled a lot, and Buttercup lost her looks eventually, and one day Fezzik lost a fight and some hot-shot kid whipped Inigo with a sword and Westley was never able to really sleep sound because of Humperdinck maybe being on the trail. I'm not trying to make this a downer, understand. I mean, I really do think that love is the best thing in the world, next to cough drops. But I also have to say, for the umpty-umpth time, that life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. -The Princess Bride~

Chapter 15

The airplane touches down after a rough flight at the LAX and I let out a long sigh from my window seat. We have two hours to get all of our luggage, somehow get taxi's in the pouring rain and get to Darren's party in time. And all I'm worrying about is the huge storm that we just rode a fucking plane through.

"Are you doing alright?" Rachael asks me from across the aisle, next to Jaime. I'm sitting alone. Somehow, I ended up with the short end of the stick and had to sit alone. Somehow.

"Yeah, panic attacks are normal on a plane that just rode through an incredibly dangerous storm. Don't worry about me, I'm not dead yet!" I try to joke, but honestly, I just come off sounding really annoying.

"Don't worry, Jeff. We just landed, we're gonna get our bags and we're going to get to everything in time." She puts on her Rachael smile for me. "Everything's going to be fine. Don't worry so much."

I take a deep breath. She's right, and I know it. I just need to calm down. We're here for a happy occasion, we're about to watch the last episode of Glee with Darren.

God. I wonder how he's processing all of this. I mean, he knows how it ends, he was in it, he watched it with the crew and everything. But how is he processing all of this, the show being over? Darren's success story is Glee. Glee is the reason he's doing Broadway. Glee is the reason he's so popular. Glee is the beginning of the rest of his life. Not us, not Starkid. We helped him get to Glee. Not the other way around.

What if after Ani and Trail to Oregon, Nick and Matt decide to end Starkid? How would that effect everyone involved in Starkid, including the fans? How would we process the fact that everything we've known for so many years is no longer even a thought anymore? 

And would Starkid ever mean anything to the other actors and actresses who try to get out there in the world? 

The flight attendant tells us to wait a few minutes before getting off the plane to ensure everything goes smoothly and I start tapping my foot impatiently, still nervous. God, I just need to calm down already, I need to remember what Rachael said. There's nothing to worry about. Everything is going to be alright. We've landed for God's sake.

Matt pokes his head around the empty seat from behind me. "Hey, Jeff. Nick and I are in a disagreement over something. We think you'll know."

I turn slightly to face Matt. "Okay, what's up?"

Nick suddenly appears above me, standing up from his seat. "So--"

"Sit down, Nick!" I interrupt.

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