Chapter 14-The Real World

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~Real family does not come from your blood. It is the people standing beside you when no one else is. -Unknown~

Chapter 14

"I know this is kind of random and everything, but wanna grab coffee before practice?" Rachael asks. Her voice is like honey, sweet and rich. I feel a smile creeping onto my face as I eagerly try to keep my excitement contained.

"Yeah, sure. Where do you wanna meet at?" I ask her.

"The Starbucks down the street from Stage Seven-Seven-Three okay?"

"Sure. When?" Talking like this sounds lame but it's giving me goosebumps, thinking this is like some kind of date or something. She won't see it that way, but I do. Getting closer to her is all I'm trying to do, getting to know her more. Ever since she told me about the tattoo the other day all I can think about is Rachael. The song I wrote for her character for Trail to Oregon she completely inspired, just with the words tattooed on her back, and the entire song I continually had to go back and erase because I found myself writing about Rachael, not about the mother.

Rachael's just found a way into my heart, like a mouse getting into your home. It finds this little hole in the wall and shimmy's it's way in and then it's there, and no matter how hard you try to get rid of it, it's just there.

Oh God, I just compared Rachael to a fucking mouse. Note to self, Jeff, don't compare a beautiful woman to a disgusting, beady-eyed rodent.

"Give me about twenty minutes to get out there, I'm further than you guys."

I nod though I know she can't see me doing so. "Meet you there."

"Bye," Rachael says before hanging up the phone.

I smile and hang up, sliding my phone into my back pocket.

I see my reflection in the mirror and just look at it with happiness and confusion. How had Rachael done this so quickly to me? Just reeled me in with such ease and got me to fall for her. Her beautiful black, sleek hair that cascades neatly over he shoulders. She's got these beautiful brown eyes that remind me of pools of chocolate like from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, glistening and warm. Her smile is like that of a dream, each tooth making up the most beautiful of smiles that anyone could ever hope to see. And her personality topped with the beauty of her makes her the person that I only thought would exist in a fantasy. Up until two years ago I thought Alex was a fantasy. Now all I can think about is Rachael, and how perfect she is to me.

This beauty that can't seem to escape my mind, this beauty that makes me smile and makes my heart beat heavily in my chest. This beauty that fills my eyes somehow with tears.

Rachael is this heavenly angel. How had I never seen it until these past few weeks?

"You're awfully cheerful for a Monday morning," Nick states. He checks his watch, then says, "We have less than three weeks until opening night, are you guys going to be ready by then?"

It's been a week since I got to the hospital and somehow it's gone by so quickly I'd forgotten that June 19th was slowly creeping up on us. We have a show Friday night, then two Saturday, one Sunday, then shows scattered throughout June, July and the beginning of August. And three weeks is all we have beforehand.

"I've seen what Starkid can do in a short amount of time, Nick. Don't worry. The only difference between then and now is this time we just have more shows than HMB or Twisted."

"And there's that cheerfulness again. What's going on with you, Jeff? You seem to have done a complete one-eighty since you got back from the hospital last week."

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