Twenty two - Osville

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By the time we woke up on Sunday morning, the power had returned and the storm had calmed. It had fallen 30 centimeters of snow during the night, but luckily, the snowploughers were already out, clearing the roads.

We had April's delicious blueberry pancakes for breakfast and then, April offered to drive me home. I agreed, said bye to Jasmine and followed April out to the car. The car ride was calm, so were our hands holding each other between us. She stopped some distance away from the house at first, so we could say a proper goodbye without my dad seeing.

"So, I've been thinking," April started when she had put the car in park. I got nervous, worried that she'd say something similar to two weeks ago. "Do you remember that spa-weekend I got for my birthday?" I exhaled - she wasn't going to reject me today. "Would you like to go with me?"

It took me a moment to process what she'd said. While I was silent, her eyebrows furred together in a worried fashion. When I finally understood, my face lit up and I said,

"Of course! I'd love to!" in an overly excited voice and leaned over to kiss her. She replied my kiss by grabbing my waist. Her lips were so nurturing, so soft and so perfect, gracing against mine with elegance and ease. My perfect woman.

* * *

Nineteen to nine. I put the last item in my bag, checked that I had everything I needed, and zipped it up. Eighteen to nine. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, wondering one last time wheatear my outfit was good enough. Seventeen to nine. With the bag in my hands and my phone in my pocket, I walked out of my room and down to the hall. Sixteen to nine. I put on my shoes, winter jacket and pulled a scarf around my neck. Fifteen to nine. I heard the sound of snow pressed together under car tires, and opened the front door. I made sure that the door was locked properly before making my way to the red family car.

"Hi," April said as soon as I had opened the door. She wasted no time before she kissed me, knowing that my dad wasn't home.

It was Saturday morning, a week after the blackout, and April and I were on our way to Osville for the spa-weekend. She had only gotten a spa-day from her family, but her siblings had also given her a spa-day, so it was combined into a one night's stay instead. My dad was away on a trip with his friends, so I hadn't had to lie about why I, too, would be gone all weekend. Jasmine was going to Marcus's for the day which was perfect timing. April had told her family that she had invited a colleague of hers to the spa, and hadn't gotten any further questions on the matter. We were in the clear and had all weekend to ourselves.

Osville was located two hours north of Peak and was considerably larger than Charmon. The spa was connected to an all inclusive, five star hotel and was the best in the city, according to critics and the general population. When we parked outside, two men stood waiting in front of the hotel; one of them unloaded our bags onto a carrier, and the other drove away the car to the underground parking area. We followed the man with the carrier through the big, golden doors to the reception, where we were greeted with a warm welcome and a big smile from the lady behind the disk. She didn't break character once while we checked in, but she did take her time while checking our id's, probably wondered what our relation to each other was when she saw the big age difference and the unmatching last names. Nevertheless, she handed our id's back together with the room keys and wished us a happy stay.

Our room was on the seventh floor, with a big double bed, a soft wall-to-wall carpet, and huge windows facing the outdoor pool area. The bathroom had a corner style bathtub and a standing shower, and elements in gold and dark wood adorned the whole room. A bottle of champagne and a bowl of strawberries were placed on the desk opposite the bed together with two glasses.

I dropped my bag by the door, kicked off my shoes and let myself fall backwards onto the bed, melting down into the softness of the covers.

"I don't think I've ever laid in a softer bed than this!" I propped myself up on my elbows when I heard April entering the room. She gave me an amused smile and picked up the bottle.

"Do you want some?" She asked.

"I don't drink, but you can have some if you want," I said. She looked at the label and said,

"Actually, it's non-alcoholic."

"Well, then I'll have a glass," I replied and smiled.

After drinking the champagne, we headed down to the spa. I hid behind my towel as I changed into my bikini, careful not to look at April. Yes, I did want to see her, but not like this. When we were both ready, I turned around and saw the glorious angel in the same bikini as the night I fell for her. Absolutely stunning. Absolutely perfect.

"You're beautiful," April said to me and looked me up and down, before she extended her hand.

We walked with our towels to the pool area and sunk down into the hot tub. There were only a few other people at the spa, but in the hot tub, we were alone. I felt nervous, both because of the people around us, the new location and the amount of clothes we were wearing. I felt my cheeks redden (maybe because of the heat from the water), and l looked around at my surroundings in an effort to calm myself down. After a few minutes, I felt my thoughts slowing down and my breathing becoming slower. I directed my attention back to the hot tub, trying to feel the calmness of the bubbles and the warmth on my skin.  I looked at April. She rested her head against the wall, had her eyes closed and looked very peaceful. As myself was slowly returning to the present, my feelings for April, as warm as the water around me, also came back. I left my spot on the opposite side of the tub and walked slowly towards April. She must've felt my movements through the water because when I was close enough, she held out her arms and embraced me. With her arms still around me, I sat down beside her, resting my head against her neck. April pulled my legs up on her lap, now holding one hand across my thighs and the other around my shoulders. We sat like that for no one knows how long, just enjoying each other's company. It wasn't until my stomach made a loud growling sound that we (my stomach) broke the silence.

"Sounds like it's time for lunch?" April giggled and we rose from our comfortable seats, grabbed our towels and made our way to the cafeteria.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. School has started again after winter break so I probably won't be updating as regurlarly. Thank you for all your sweet comments. Take care and stay safe! Yours, Purple <3

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