Four - Lunch

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The weekend went by too fast and it was Monday again. My schedule was stuffed and I did not look forward to the day. I managed to climb out of bed, and an hour later I left for the train station, where I met up with Jasmine.

"You look as tired as I feel," I told her as she walked towards me, dragging her feet behind her. Her hair was in a messy bun and her clothes were at the less dressed-up, more staying-at-home side.

"Thank you, I've worked extra hard on my under-eye bags this morning," Jasmine said ironically.

The train approached the station and its wheels screeched as the brakes slowed the train down. The coaches weren't the newest and most fresh-looking. The seat fabric was worn, the handles were crooked and in some wagons, the floor bounced when you walked on it. The train company had promised new coaches, but after three years this line had only gotten one train replaced, the other three were unchanged.

We sat down in the very back of the train, with our bags on the seats next to ours. I sat backwards in the direction of travel, as usual, with Jasmine opposite to me. I'd loved to ride backwards all my life, it reminded me of riding roller coasters. Jasmine on the other hand easily got car sick and hated to sit backwards, which was perfect for me. We both got what we wanted without having to fight.

"What's your first class?" Jasmine asked as she checked her schedule.

"Building materials, double period," I answered. "And then we have math together after lunch."

Jasmine sighed annoyed, she hated math. Or, she didn't hate it, she just had trouble understanding it, which led to her not liking it. I helped her as much as I could but I had to have time to do my own studying too.

The train stopped at several stations on the way to Charmon, picking up workers and students in the bypassing villages. We passed the Charmon central station, seeing the city waking up. Three minutes later we arrived at Charmon university, which had its own station as students made up half of the travellers. 

"I'll see you at lunch?" I stated before we walked to our separate classes.

* * *

"Thank you for today, I'll see you again on Wednesday," the lecturer said as we packed up to go to lunch.

I was starving; my stomach had been growling since 10 o'clock. It was now 11:45. I pulled out my phone to text Jasmine about where to meet, but I already had an unread message from her:

Hey, don't be mad, but Marcus asked me out for lunch and we are on our way into town. I'll be back for math. I'm sorry! - Jas

It's okay, meet you at math - Liv

I didn't have much of a choice in the matter and I didn't let it bring me down. I probably would have done the same if someone asked me out for lunch. I could've eaten with my friends from Arc (short for architecture), but they had already gone and it actually felt nice to eat alone for a change, as depressing as that sounds. 

The outside temperature was higher than last week, so I decided to seize the last sun of the year and eat outside. I zipped up my jacket - it was nearly winter after all - and walked to the outside edge of campus to the park. This time of year the leaves were red, yellow or brown, most of them had already fallen to the ground. The grass was dead but damp from the night's frost. I sat down at one of the tables and pulled out my food. On today's menu was PB&J sandwiches, carrot sticks, a banana and a green smoothie, as well as some dark chocolate for dessert. 

I also pulled out the book I currently read, "The lost key" by Sarah K Appleton. I was only at chapter five but I loved it. It's a romantic mystery about Emelie, a girl in her 20s, who gets pulled into a town mystery when one day, an old key turns up on her doorstep. She has no idea what the key opens, or why it was given to her, but with the key came an encrypted letter, full of secrets and clues. That same day, a group of five people moves into the town, and they seem like trouble. 

I opened the book and continued where I last read.

My eyes fell on the brunette at the bar, legs crossed and wearing all black. Even her drink was black. I walked up to the bar to order a cider, and as I turned my head to the left, the girl was standing right beside me. How had she moved so quickly? She looked directly at me, dark, almost black eyes, peering into my soul. Her hand was on her hip, the other was on mine. 

"Hi," she said in an almost whisper. I shivered. 

She steered me to a booth, taking both our drinks with her. I was mesmerised, speechless and turned on, so turned on. 

"My name is Maliyah," she said as we sat down opposite each other. 

"I'm Emelie," I managed to say and took a sip. My cheeks were flushed. She just looked at me, letting her eyes wander me. Study my face, my hair, my shoulders. Her eyes took in all of me that was visible above the table, but they continued downwards as if she could see through it. She looked up at me again, and in a completely different voice, said

"I'm new in town, don't know anybody." Her shift surprised me, but her previous effect on me was lifted and I could speak freely again.

"Well then you've met the right person, cuz I know everyone. My mom's the mayor."

We continued talking for a good hour or two, ordering another round, and a third. We left the bar at midnight and wandered the streets, looking at the neon lights, people and each other. At some point, she took my hand, or maybe it was I who took hers. The time seemed to be standing still and all the previous events of the day seemed far away. Something about Maliyah felt familiar, like I had met her before. But I think I would've remembered her.

We ended up at the pier, looking out at the dark water beneath us. Our arms rested on the railing, our hands still intertwined. I turned my head towards Meliyah, and as she looked back at me, I felt it again. That rush I had felt just a few hours before at the bar. Her dark eyes stared into my soul. 

"Hi," she whispered before she slowly leaned in and kissed me. Fireworks went off inside my brain, in my heart and all through my veins. Her hands found my cheeks as she deepened the kiss. Her tongue licked my lips and I opened them slightly, letting her enter. She tasted like wine, bittersweet. Her hands travelled down, to my bare shoulders, down my sides to my hips, where she first had touched me. 

She broke the kiss and I immediately wanted her back, wanted her more. She looked around the empty pier and signalled me to follow her. We walked out further and rounded a corner of a booth. She backed me up against the wall and looked me in the eyes for a second, teasing me, before locking our lips again. This time her motions were rougher, more desirable, more intense. Her hands were back on my hips, her body pressed into mine. I felt her chest as she breathed. Her breasts pushed against me. They were fuller than mine. My hands rested on her waist under her leather jacket. Her hands were travelling, discovering, searching. They found the rim of my jeans, the button, the zipper. Her cold hand found my bare stomach. I shivered. One second later, she found her way into my underwear and I moaned into her mouth in anticipation. Her fingers teased on the outside, on the top of my folds and down on my tighs. I was so wet already that it probably dripped out onto her fingers, and I felt her smile in the kiss. I couldn't take any more teasing, I wanted her now. She must have heard my thoughts, because the next moment her finger was on my clit. I moaned again, pressing myself onto her hand. She circled around it, then pressed down again on the thousands of nerve ends. I got weak in my knees but she held me up. She continued stroking, while her tongue still played around my mouth, and her other hand had found my breast, without me noticing. I was still pressed against the wall, I could feel the cold metal on my shoulders. My thoughts were spinning around, my body was burning and my lower abdomen was dripping and aching. Her fingers worked skillfully and soon I felt a buildup in my stomach, tightening my core. I moaned, arched my back, pressed myself against her... 

And I came. 

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