Eight - Wine and chocolate

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It had been over a week since my last encounter with April. I was currently sitting in the school library at our usual spot behind the shelves studying alone. Jasmine had been hanging out with Marcus a lot lately so I had done the homework by myself for the past days. Today however, Jasmine had texted me that we could study together after 2 pm so I was waiting for her to join.

At 2:12 Jasmine came hurrying in, out of breath and her bag halfway off her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for being late," she panted and put her bag down on the table. "I was held up by my mom whom I ran into downstairs."

I nodded to accept her apology and my thoughts were immediately drawn to April.

"What did she do here?" I asked hoping I wasn't too forward.

"Picking up some books for an article she's writing in some finance paper. She was on her way home and asked if I wanted to go with her but I told her I'd study with you." Jasmine said. "Also, she reminded me that I had forgotten to tell you that her birthday is on Sunday so we're having a party tomorrow night for her. She said to invite you and your parents. I should've told you earlier but I've been busy as you know." Jasmine referred to Marcus. "And she said to say hi."

I stiffened in my seat at her last words. April said hi to me. Her face appeared before my eyes again and the image of her smile, her beautiful smile, made my heart take an extra beat.

"I'll come to the party. I'll ask my parents but I can't promise they'll come on such short notice." I reached for my phone to text them right away, otherwise I wouldn't remember it. "How's it been with Marcus?" I asked.

"It's been wonderful! We have so much in common and he makes the funniest jokes. He's so sweet and handsome, I can't believe he asked me out." A smile crept onto her face as she spoke and her eyes sparkled.

"You're a great person Jas, he's really lucky to have you in his life," I said.

"That's sweet of you, I guess so." Jasmine took out her schoolbooks from her bag and we started doing the homework. Time went by and math distracted my thoughts. As time passed 5pm we packed up our things and headed for the station. We picked up dinner at the burger place and ate it on the train to Peak.

I let my thoughts wander as I looked out the dirty window at the bypassing trees. One lecture from home tomorrow and going to April's party at night. April's birthday party. BIRTHDAY! It hadn't clicked in my mind until then that it was April's birthday that we were celebrating and that people usually gave birthday presents on birthday parties. What was I going to give her? I wouldn't go to Charmon tomorrow and Peak was limited on shopping.

"Do you know what to give to April for her birthday?" I asked without realising I did before I had already spoken. What if Jas suspects something, thinks it's peculiar that I asked? I waved away the thought and looked at Jasmine thinking.

"We're giving her a spa day with a friend in Osville from the family. I don't know what she wishes for, so I can't help you. But you don't have to give her anything big, wine or chocolate is good enough," Jasmine said and took another bite of her burger.

Wine or chocolate. I could do that. I'm sure we had a bottle at home I could take and I could run by the grocery store tomorrow after lunch. I was satisfied with my plan and continued on my meal. Wine and chocolate.

My phone lit up and I saw that I had gotten messages from both my parents.

"That sounds lovely but I'm going out of town this weekend. Wish her happy birthday from me" - Mom

"I'm having a business dinner with the clients of the mansion-project and I can't cancel last minute, I'm sorry hun." - Dad

"So, I just got replies from mom and dad and neither can come to the party," I said to Jasmine as we stepped off the train in Peak.

"That's too bad," she said. "I know mom would've loved to have them there. But they can meet some other time I guess."

I was kind of happy that they couldn't come. One, because my parents weren't on the greatest terms with each other so having both in the same room is uncomfortable to say the least. And two, because I'm afraid that they would pick up on my feelings towards April. I don't know how they would do that exactly but being the people who knows me best (second to Jasmine) I'm sure they'd find a way. But it was mostly nr one of course... (or was it...?)

Dad wasn't home when I stepped into the house. I locked the door behind me and went to my room. I had studied enough in the day, I thought as I dumped down on my bed with the phone in my hand. I opened Instagram and started to scroll. A cute cat. Some celebrity on a beach in Australia. An old high school friend behind a tree in the forest. A blonde woman in a dress. A plate of food.

Hold up, I thought to myself. A blonde woman in a dress. Hadn't she looked awfully familiar? I scrolled back up and, just as I suspected, looked back at April's face. I looked at the caption, it was an ad from a company. A financial periodical. That made sense. She was writing an article for them and they had her picture for marketing. I stared at the picture. Her slim body in a tight dress that went down to just above the knee's. One hand on her hip and the other hanging loosely at her side. Her face lit up with her mesmerising smile and her eyes looked directly into the camera. Into my soul. Her eyelids were lightly shaded in gold and her lips red as fire. Her hair was up in a messy yet professional bun and a pair of simple silver earrings dangled from her ears. The picture was perfect. She was perfect.

* * *

Chocolate and wine, chocolate and wine, I hummed to myself as I walked down the aisles in the grocery store. I had gotten permission to give April one of my dad's wine bottles and was on the hunt for a chocolate to go with it. I wasn't much of a wine drinker myself so I had no clue which chocolate to get but I figured it couldn't be that big of a difference. I had heard dark chocolate was good and debated whether to go with a flavoured one or stick to a plain. I like the blueberry a lot myself so maybe I'll get that one. I'll take one for myself aswell, I thought as I took down two from the shelf. I walked towards the checkout when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. In a basket hanging from the shelf lay a single stuffed bear with big brown eyes and fluffy ears. I couldn't resist its cuteness and picked it up. It was just as fluffy as it looked and wasn't more than 12 cm tall, sitting down. I couldn't let it sit here all by itself and as I continued to walk to the checkout a thought flashed into my mind. What if I give this bear to April? I was chocked at the idea but I wasn't totally against it. April was turning 47 and a grown woman in her age probably didn't need a stuffed animal. But everyone needs a stuffed animal because they are so fluffy and cozy!

So later that afternoon I wrapped the wine bottle, the chocolate and the bear in gold wrapping paper, making sure the bear was sitting comfortably. I put on my favourite dress, my black heels, a silver bracelet and a red faux-leather jacket. I put on makeup and curled my red hair.

"You look beautiful," my dad said as I came downstairs. He had promised to drive me to the Baker's on his way to the business dinner to be able to step inside for a few minutes to wish April a happy birthday.

"Thank you," I said. "Shall we go?"

A/N: The legal drinking age where I live is 18 and the legal age to buy alcohol at the store is 20 so Liv and Jasmine are in fact allowed to drink. :)

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