17. USJ Incident

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All Might held a hand over his mouth as he jumped blocks over the city. While airborne he let out numerous coughs into his palm along with a bit of blood. He was reaching his limit. 

All Might us seen to be as the most invisible hero there is today and that can be true. He's never truly lost a battle. He's rarely ever seen with a scratch and he almost always has a smile but there was something the public is blind to despite it being the reason he's number one. His tenacity to save lives.

No matter where, no matter when and no matter who, he would always stop what he was doing and quickly jump into action to save someone from a villain. That's just how he was and lived. His title as the Symbol of Peace was given to him by society but the goal embedded in that is to save every life, no matter the cost. This instinct to dive right into trouble to be a hero is a good thing, but for more personal activities or other responsibilities, it can hinder his focus and time into what he is needed for, such as being there more often for Izuku as he grew up.

In a large yellow suit, along with his hero form, he landed down on top of a building and held an arm across his waist. It was nearly time for the class his son, Yagi, was in to head towards the USJ. He was supposed to be one of the 3 faculty members to be assisting the kids to become heroes but looking at the amount of blood in his hand, it seems that he won't be able to make it. He frowned. He had only 3 hours to be a hero a day and once that time was up, it was over. 

He coughed again. The rule might say 3 hours was his limit, but recently he's been feeling weaker by every passing second he was in his hero form. After giving Izuku, One For All, the time he had to be All Might dropped by a few seconds every time. It doesn't sound like much, but seconds do become minutes, and minutes become hours. He was really pushing it.

'Toshinori you idiot!' All Might internally berated himself. He was supposed to be there for his son, now look here he was. On a rooftop about to collapse. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone and began to dial a number all while still internally slapping his own face. After dialing, the phone rang for a few moments in his ear until finally they picked up.

"Ah, All Might. To what can I owe this pleasure?" Nezu softly asked on the other side of the line.

"Principal Nezu, good evening. I, uh, actually wanted to let you know that I may be late for my period today," All Might said, a bit embarrassed that he had to make such a call in the first place. He was hoping to be a few minutes late but when he coughed up blood again, he decided to put the possibility into the conversation. "Just in case. Could you let Mr. Aizawa and Miss 13 that I may be out for today? I'd appreciate it".

"Oh? Are you and Inko Yagi having the day to yourselves? How exquisite" Nezu said directly without a hint of shame.

"Wha- What?! N-No! No, no! It's not like that. I, um, I'm just a bit of a pickle at the moment and I can't make it. It's nothing unprofessional, I promise!" All Might stuttered, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. He was worried the principal might've assumed something untrue, but then he heard him giggle at his end.

"I was merely joking with you All Might. Midnight had asked me to say this for whenever you called. I just happened to remember," Nezu said with a laughing tone in the back of his voice. Nezu wasn't one to joke around, not because he was serious, but because he was professional with his job so hearing him say he was joking was a surprise. All Might was relieved to hear this but he mentally noted to make sure Midnight hears what he has to say when he sees her. "I'll let them know you may not make it for today," Nezu added.

"Sigh. Thank you very much, sir. Sorry for the trouble".

"Nonsense. With all respect All Might, I was surprised you had asked to be a teacher this year. I would've figured you wanted to settle down a while ago now that you have a family," Nezu expressed, this time with a more serious tone.

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