24. Back to School

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The first period bell had just rang. Students from first to third years have already begun swarming into their respective classes, talking to friends and simply living their best lives, but the real topic of the morning among them was the recent USJ attack against Class 1-A. More details have been released in the past 2 days all students were given off from school. Apparently, these particular villains not only managed to break into what should've been a secure facility of U.A. but they had also injured one of the teachers, Mr. Aizawa. This small part seemed to have shook some of the students with a few rumors saying he wouldn't be coming back, or that he quit but that was a bit irrelevant, undermining the fact that villains got close to its students. A small number of students have realized that, but either they didn't want to mention it or they didn't want to say anything at all.

Continuing, the Media had also been more demanding of transparency between the public and the school. This is rather just an excuse to ask millions of questions, specifically principal Nezu, regardless of whether or not the public wanted to find out. Medias can be so vulturous. Nezu had already planned to give out a statement to an unnamed news outlet but not an interview.

The more severe details, like how a student was sent to the hospital, were kept under wraps until word got to the authorities that the student was more or less unharmed with just a few scratches and scars. That allowed the police to file the teen as a regular casualty then one who was on death's door. That surely made it easy to put out to the public, but more than half of the news outlets of channels or newspapers still made it into one of U.A.'s biggest failures. Though some of the faculty members disliked that, it had some truth to it. Imagine what would've happened if the image of a student's head smashed in, would've gotten to the public. U.A. would have not only hell to pay, but worse.

For now, for whatever reason, the public had taken the news rather well. No students were suddenly pulled out of school for the safety concerns of parents, nor did the school suffer any real damage either financially or through reputation. Principal Nezu considered this lucky for the most part. Perhaps society just had an absurd amount of trust in the school that raised the best heroes to this day like the Symbol of Peace, All Might. This was definitely the most likely reason and Nezu was thankful for that.


"I can't believe those hero-course students really got to see villains!".

"I know right. That's crazy that they got to fight them!".

"Fight them? I thought the pro heroes took care of them?".

"Well duh, but maybe class 1-A really did fight a few, I mean, I would".

"What are you going to do with that spiky quirk of yours? Poke them to death?".

"Hey! I can definitely poke them to death if I wasn't in General Studies!".


"Hey Kiwi-san!".

"Hey there Rikka!".

"Did you hear?".

"Who hasn't! It's like, all over the news".

"I know right? Whenever I change the channel I always see it. It's like someone has cast some spell on my screen that only allows me to see Class 1-A. Honestly, it's kind of a disadvantage when I want to watch my enemies closely".

"Oh? Is Rikka jealous that they're getting all the attention?".

"W-what! No! I'm not. I just don't like seeing our school being made out to be a bad one ya know?".

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