Chapter 10

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Edaline's POV:

Sophie and Keefe were sitting, all cozy, at Calla's Panakes tree. 

I know its wrong to spy, I know I should give my adult daughter some privacy, but I mean, Sophie has already explained the situation to me. What's the harm in watching?

Maybe its the bad mother thing to do... Like reading her diary, but I had been listening when she ran outside. I was about to follow her, go comfort her, do the motherly thing, but Keefe beat me to it.

I went to watch them from a window, I could only tell so much about what was happening, but by knowing my Sophie I can assume that she told Keefe she wasn't able to live a normal life, that she was made for more, that she needs to make a difference.

Someone needs to tell her that she doesn't need validation in everything she does. She needs to learn that she is a human being, not some justice seeking machine. 

Sophie says its all because the way elves run things is unjust, and that being on the council can make a difference, or because she wants to do good for mankind, but really she is just afraid of not being seen as special.

The Black Swan told her one too many times that she was the answer, that she alone could stop the Neverseen, that she was made with the purpose of bringing peace and justice and all this malarkey that has gotten into her head.

Now that the Neverseen are gone, she is no longer needed, in her eyes, but its simply not true.

I'm hoping that Keefe will be able to show her that.

I watch them from the window, she rests her head on his shoulder.

I smile at the couple, before muttering to myself, "She loves him..."

"She loves... Who?" A voice said beside me, my heart skipped a beat. I turned to Grady in panic mode, "Oh no one. No one, I'm just reminiscing about the couple in... My book." I gulp, knowing I've screwed up, and Sophie is going to kill me. 

"Mallowmelt?"  I pick up the tray from besides me and hold it up to him, "Sure, just let me..." Grady attempted to push past me to the window, I gave in, it would be too blatantly obvious if I pushed him away, now I just had to pray he wouldn't see...

"Is that Sophie and... THAT BOY?!"

"Could you not?" I sighed and decided to just scold him instead. "I wasn't supposed to tell you. You had better not make a scene. You understand me?" I turned him to him, pointing an accusing finger in his direction, Grady let out a few disgruntled noises, I slapped him on the arm, "Sophie is a grown up, Grady, she does what she wants whether her Dad likes it or not. That includes who she dates. Now grow up, Keefe is a perfectly lovely person and I can say with full confidence he will be a much better boyfriend than Fitz ever was."

I glared at him expectantly, if all else fails, you have to scare Grady into cooperating.

"Fine. I'm still not happy about it though..." Grady turned to walk away.

"You say nothing, you hear me? Nothing!" I called after him, he waved me off.

I turned back to the window, munching on a mallowmelt, "She'll make the right choice." I smiled, "She's Sophie Foster after all."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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