reader finding out the truth x Billy x Stu

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I lay in the bed as they boys thought I was sleeping. They came threw the window like they don't know what a front door is. "Dude that was fucking amazing!" Stu whisper yells as he sits his stuff down

Billy glares "shut up she's sleeping" he hisses as he takes off his costume. My eyes slightly open looking at them. Stu smiled his hands being bloody as he wipes it with a towel. Bloody? What the fuck? I looked at the scream mask. Ain't no way. Billy turns smiling at me as he walks over and kisses my head softly. He reaks...of odor like dead body's. I slightly gag at the smell as I open my eyes and look up at them. Billy eyes widen as he tries to hide his hands from me.

Stu smiled "hai baby-" "where did you guys just come from. What were you doing you guys smell" I cover my noise as I sit up looking at the both of them. Where they? they stare kinda worried. I start laughing thinking this is a prank "you guys are funny-" I snort leaning on the bed. Billy slightly smirks looking at Stu

Stu stood up here confused as he looks at Billy. Billy turns to me seriously "listen darling. Don't tell anyone about this alright." He grabs my face softly with his bloody hands. I look at him smirking thinking it was some joke. "Yes yes don't tell anyone you two are ghostface. I got you" I giggles as he stares serious. I blink as my giggle dies down

"What the fuck..are you serious?!"

After a long talk about them two I looked down rubbing my face signing. Stu frowns "don't be mad at me" he sighs. Billy glares at Stu then looks at her. She shakes her head "I'm not mad okay I'm just trying to understand it Stu" she rubs his face gently smiling. "She is always the accepting type." Billy hums as he looked at her. She nods softly "but um. Go shower before you lay down-" she giggles. Stu gets up and runs to the restroom. Billy stands "come join us" he smirks as he takes off his belt.

She blushed and stands following him.

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