Stare down

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Sierra walks into my room and sat on my bed beside Katie "yeah tell us all the dets" "guys we just got to know each other that's all". "Oh someone has a smile on there face, spill" Katie is on the edge of my bed ready to explode like a volcano. "Guys he's cute ok I know I'm blushing but we just met so we didn't even talk about much I just found out a few things".

"Like?" Sierra raising her eyebrows and smiling

"like he has four other siblings and that he actually grew up in Colorado no big deal!" Both of the girls turn there head to each other and then back at me
They screech like little kids getting candy then they start doing a chant.
"AHHH! This is amazing Adeline has a boyfriend! Adeline has a boyfriend!" "Ok, ok enough girls let's not take it that far".

Even know I thought ross was hot and all he probably all ready had a girl friend
did you see his muscles you could tell he worked out.

"Besides girls we are here for OUR summer break I didn't come her to find love I came to have fun" "well if you don't take him I will" Katie jumps off the bed "he sure is yummy!" "Katie that weird, girls let's just forget about it. He was just being nice saying hi ok nothing more, nothing less".

Katie and Sierra told me that they were tired from the long drive down here. They went back to the room and I just laid down on my bed and checked my Instagram It said someone started following me.

@RossR5 started following you

How did he find me?

I accepted his follow requested and followed him back. then all of a sudden I got some notifications from some other people on Instagram.

@RikerR5 started following you on
@RockyR5 started following you on
@RydelR5 started following you
@RatliffR5 started following you
@RylandR5 started following you

Wow. I didn't recognize any of these names but in seconds of ross following me, a whole bunch of people started following me too.


"I walk threw the front door and everyone is staring me down "uh hi guys am I in trouble?" "No" my mom has her hands on her hips and everyone looks really mad, like I did something wrong. "OMG! Ross tell us all about it!" rydel yelling at my face while jumping up and down "yeah was she nice?" Ryland adds in "come on dude we want to know everything!" Riker smiles. Everyone seemed very intrigued on what Happened over at Martha's house.
My mom took me into the living room and sat me down on the couch. "Guys it feels like I'm a person that's being interrogated in a police station, calm down". "Well don't just sit there and give us the stair down tell us what was her name? Was it magical?" Ellington sat next to me with his drum sticks in his back pocket.

"Well her name is Adeline she's from Canada and she's super nice".

They came closer in as I kept saying more and more stuff about her "she has two other siblings one older brother named Aidan and one younger sister name Ava. Get this their names all start with the same letter!" (Which was A).

"Hey kind of like us but instead of A it's R!" Ellington realizes "I like this girl already and I don't even know here"

"So when are we going to meet her?" Rydel getting up to go get a glass of water, mom following behind to go do dishes.

"I'm not to sure"

I go look on Instagram to see if I could find her I just searched up the name Adeline and she popped up. @adeline16 I scroll through her pictures and she's really good at photography. "Hey guys guess what I found her on Instagram you should totally start following her" I look up from my phone and see everyone taking there phones out to follow her.

Rydel comes back from the kitchen with her water in one hand, she sets it down on the living room table and takes her phone out "Ugh I'm so jelly she's really pretty!" Rydel looks down at her phone not taking her eyes off of the screen.

"Well she's more prettier in person" I tell them.

"So kids are we going to the beach tomorrow like we planned?" Dad loves the beach, we all do, we like to surf most of the time I think I'm the best TBH.

"Uh yeah no way are we missing out on the beach!" Rocky has a good point
"We should invite Adeline and her friends to the beach so you guys can meet her. I'll Instagram her a message since I don't have her number, which I should totally get!"
@Adeline16 hey Adeline it's me Ross. My family and I are heading to the beach tomorrow wanna come hang? Your friends can tag along if they want" and send.

I walk into the kitchen waiting for a reply from Adeline
"Mom I forgot to tell you, you know Martha "yeah" she responds extending the ah part "that's Adeline's aunt so that's were there staying" "oh cool! I wish I would of known that sooner" my mom is just finishing doing dishes in the kitchen.

I get a reply back from Adeline right away
@RossR5 thanks for the offer we would love to come to the beach with you guys should we meet at 11:30?

@Adeline16 sure sounds good I'll see you tomorrow.

I walk back into the living room with mom behind me she was wearing a dish cloth on her shoulder "Well guys were going to the beach and Adeline is tagging along. If you don't mind mom" me giving her the puppy dog eyes and batting my eyelashes at her. "Sound fine with me"

"Great it's a date!" I cheer happily

Riker comes behind me and pats my back "not quit yet bro".

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