They all say the same thing

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"This is amazing pizza! Hawaiian is my fav" Maia looks over to me and smiles, I be polite and smile back at her. Adeline was just sitting in the corner by herself, eating her pizza I hope I didn't upset her in a way. I did just pushed her away when she tried to kiss my cheek but I didn't mean too "so who wants to go back in the fort and tell more ghost stories?" Maia grabs one more piece of pizza and I follow her back into the fort with the rest of the family. She grabs my hand and motions for me to sit by her so I did. "I'll go next!" Riker yells out finishing his pop and then gets all serious to tell the story.


"Then her rotten body was found in the attic. The end" riker's story was interesting, it was about a girl who's house caught on fire 'accidentally' and the girl was caught in the attic by a ghost. the house burned down along with her body so she basically got burned alive by a ghost. Then the people that rebuilt the house a few years later were up in the attic and found her body but it was strange because the house completely burnt down from the top to the bottom and they thought her body was burned completely and just vanished but it wasn't. It was just sitting there with her bones all gross and rotten and it was just a skeleton of her 'once was beautiful body'


"I know good story right? Now who's scared" Riker smirks. We talked a little longer and told more stories then we kind of split off and did are own thing for a little while. Sierra, Katie, rydel and laura were doing face masks and having a girls spa night. Ryland, rocky, Ellington and Riker set up a fire in the back to roast some marshmallows and to have a little pool party. I don't really know why because it was like 1 in the morning and then me and Maia were talking and catching up on things. Are new movie comes out next year but we previously filmed it just a couple mouths ago and we have a whole bunch of meetings coming up to do some interviews and talk about the new movie. "You know what's frustrating? Trying to talk to the people but not give the movie away" Maia answers her own question and she was right! "Yes! I know it's really difficult because you want to tell the whole world about it because you've know about it for so long but you can't". We laughed and talked for a couple minutes or so but something didn't feel right in the air.

We were missing a certain person, Adeline. "Listen Maia I need to go look for Adeline I haven't seen her lately, I'll be right back" I go around the house look for her and no where was she to be found. "Yo, seen Adeline Riker? You were talking to her last, like an hour ago" I go up to Riker because he's the last perish to see her. "Yeah she's over there" "dude catch!" Rocky throws a ball towards Riker, he looses his attention and then I see where Riker points too. Adeline was siting by the fire in the dark with her knees up by her chest and a baggy sweater on. She must of been feeling left out and cold "hey babe there you are, why are you out her alone?" She doesn't look at me just sits there with her head down on her knees that were close to her breasts. "Come on everyone's having fun, why not you?" I sit next to her in the empty chair and she just looks at me but doesn't say anything "do you need a hug from you good old bf ross" I put my arms out and she just gets up declining the hug, she never does that. "Get Maia to give you one" Adeline speaks up then storms back into the house. She must of been mad at something I did but what did I even do that was wrong.


I was mad at ross he has been too busy with that slut Maia! I can't believe he tried to approach me and think everything was ok. "Oh hey! Ross is looking for you" just then she approaches me "yeah I know thanks" I smile trying not to make eye contact with her. "Adeline, is everything ok?" She tries to be all comforting but I just push her to get out of my way. I go to a place where no one can find me and I start to cry.

Why was I such a baby! But I couldn't help but let my emotions get the best of me. Everyone was having a fun time, the boys were in the pool playing water football the girls were doing girly things. Music was getting louder and there was a mini food bar. It was like a fun party and everyone was having a grand time except me. I then start to look up with my mascara running down, the things a girl has to deal with I really needed to get a waterproof mascara. I look at everyone talking, laughing, having a blast it must be nice to have someone in your life who notices and cares about you.

Ross will come back to me, he cares enough about me to not just leave and be with maia doesn't he? We've been through a lot of up's and downs but one thing is true that he wouldn't just end this relationship with a girl as awesome as me to be with a co star. She already has a boyfriend so she wouldn't go for ross, besides I'm sure ross will apologize for spending more time with her then me and say how much he loves me. Trust me watching so many romantic movies and being in these types of scenarios I would know they all come running back and people all get second chances. 'Babe I love you I would never cheat on you' *he cheats on you* 'I'm sorry I was wrong to do that give me another chance' crap like that. They all say the same thing but what am I evening worrying about? Nothing because I can trust him I'm just over protective but he did the same about me and Riker.

Gosh one minute i'm fine the other I'm a lil bitch! I swear I have bipolar disorder I'm surprised that ross is still with a crazy chick like me, I don't know how he handles it. I wipe away my tears with my sleeve and I sneak up to the washroom to check out my ugly face. "Wow why do I look so ratchet! Like how can ross ever love a girl who looks like this!" I tell my self. I need to be more positive and not put my self down, it's not about the looks and ross does call me pretty but everyone knows that you have to be some what attractive for someone to like you. I'm just glad I found ross he's a amazing best friend and boyfriend to me. He thinks my face with or without makeup is beautiful, which was great but I aways judge myself and compare myself with other girls because they look so nice and to me it seems ross flirts with them. I have to realize my boyfriend is a superstar, woah hold up my bf is a superstar! I take that sentence in for a moment. No but I need to realize he has fans and people love and adore him just as much as I do but our love towards each other is different. I'm not just dating ross because he's famous I hope he knows that.

Thoughts and thoughts run through my head and before I know it I'm washing my face, caking makeup onto it again and putting some nice clothes on. I had to get ross attention and the only way I was going to do that is look more hotter then Maia.

I walk downstairs and bam! I got his attention alright, I got everyone's attention.

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