Perfect kiss, perfect date

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Yesterday was really weird. The fact that Ryland and Katie were dating was just kind of messed up, It didn't make sense to me.


"Hey dude where the heck have you been? You've been out all day" Ryland comes threw the door and I'm there talking to Riker about my day with Adeline. "I've been at austin and ally, then at an interview with the band and what now. Last but not least I just spent the rest of the day chillin with Adeline. Now where have you been?"

Riker walks away and I'm standing there talking to Ryland. "Dude i think it's time to tell you the truth about me and someone else." Ryland looks over at me then we head up to our room where he tells me all about how him and Katie are dating.

"Yeah so there was no Julie, she was just a made up name to cover for Katie" I just sit there with no expression. I was really shocked that he was with Katie, let along any girl.

"So that's explains all the times you were out and about, late nights and not wanting to come to interviews with us. You were to busy with Katie" I shake my head and I smile.

"Cool dude, I'm proud of you" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"So your not mad?" He looks at me and I quickly respond with a no "why would I be?" I answer back.

"Well that's a relief I'm glad your ok with this. Now to tell the rest of the family" he walks out the door and then I yell after him.

My family's really accepting so I'm sure they will accept them being together then I say to myself "They accepted me and Adeline" I smile. "Me and Adeline, adeline and me..." I pause for a moment "Radeline, yeah that has a ring to it".


Yup defiantly kind of weirded out by all of this. I head down stairs to see rydel and Ellintion sitting up on the couch cuddling. "Yo what's going on here" I have a confused look on my face pointing to the fact that my sister and best friend were on the couch sitting so close next to each other they could of camouflaged into each other.

They then both break the silence and the cuddling and perk there head up to see me standing there. They both say at the same time "NOTHING!" Then Ellington coughs.

"Ok then... I see your happy now rydel?" Just a couple days ago she was crying over Ellington and Kelly now she's getting all comfy with him. After seeing those two together though I think that kellintion might be over and rydelllington might be happening.

"Well you know us girls always getting emotional" she fake laughs then I just walk away. Hmm I wonder why they were acting so strange? well love can make you do that sometimes. I'll keep an eye on those two...


"Ok now pucker up and kiss the boy!" I push Katie into this huge panda bear stuffy that my aunt bought for me before me and the girls came down from Canada. It was just laying in the corner of the room so we decided to use him.

We were pretending it was Ryland "I can't I'm to chicken what happens if my lips aren't soft enough or there to chapped or he just thinks there to slimy". She over exaggerates and turns her head so that her lips aren't against the plush panda bears mouth.

"Oh please it's just a stuff bear it's not even Ryland. Don't worry just practice the techniques I showed you and take it step by step".

Ross: hey baby boo, want to go to a movie or something?

"guys ross texted me asking me out to a movie what should I say?" I take my phone out and I read the text.

"You can't leave at a time like this! I thought you were going to help me?" Katie pushes the bear out of the way.

"Well what should I say then?" I grab my phone looking at the text again. I really wanted to hang out with ross, like how many more tips can I give a person on kissing. We've been spending the whole day with Katie trying to help Her and her boy lock lips.

"Hey I got an idea! Since we've been working on this kissing stuff like for 12 hours straight now, it's time for me to help you get ready for your date with ross. Oh and I think I'm finally ready to kiss Ryland!" Katie smiles pushing me into the closet.

"Katie you can't even kiss a stuffed bear how would you be able to kiss a real boy" I giggle as she throws outfits at me.
"Who cares! Every risk is a chance yet ever chance is a risk now try some clothes on". I look at the clothes she handed me and all of them weren't fit for a movie theme. "And I didn't even reply to ross about the movie yet"

"Well say yes! Because I'm going to help you". Katie hands me more and more clothes pulling everything off the hangers and racks.

" OMG! Another Great idea just came to mind Why don't me, you, Ryland and ross go on a double date! Yeah. I mean then that way i can get my kiss and you can get a date and then I can also get a date! It's like a two in one deal". Katie yells out digging deeper into my closet.

"How far does this thing go!" She yells back at me shoving her head into a pile of clothes. "Slow down Katie. Listen your suppose to have your perfect kiss alone. I think it would be a good idea to go on a double date, you know for support and what not but if you want a good kiss then do it alone" I tell her.

She backs away from the clothes "I guess But I'm still going to help you with your date". She bits her lip. I know she was nervous for this kiss but I knew with my help she would ace it.

"Ok but before you go into getting my date set up we still need to figure out how your going to approach kissing Ryland" I shake all the clothes off of me and we both walk out of my closet.

"Well you know I did have this idea in the back of my head about a Double date but someone didn't like that idea" she huffs but then laughs.

Ross: well?

It was ross again and I text him back.

Adeline: yes I would love to, what movie and what time?

"Listen a movie isn't really a perfect date maybe we should just hold this perfect kiss and date off for another day". She looks at me "no! It's now or never!"

Wow since when did she get so confidence. "Listen ross says were going to this movie called amazing spiderman at 6:15 and it's 4:25 right now so we have about two hours or so, not even to get ready to go to the movie. I asked him if we could go out for dinner after the movie was done and he said yeah it's fine so probably around 7:50 or sometime when the movie ends we will head to a fancy restaurant to eat. Now what you and Ryland can do is go to the same restaurant as us around the same time but we will sit in difference spots so that it doesn't look obvious. Then that way we can still be kind of 'double dating' but without sitting together then afterwards ask Ryland to take a walk in the park then just kiss him". I told her this huge plan that might not work but it's worth a shot.

"That's actually a great idea! Now since we have limited time we have to start getting ready now, well at least you do. Come one I'll help you with you makeup, hair, everything! But wait how will we know what restaurant were both going to if you don't tell me?"

"Good point, I'll ask ross right now what restaurant" I take my phone out but katie stops me.

"No because I'm going to ask Ryland right now to go to dinner with me. If we both ask the boys out to the same restaurant at the same time then they will know that something's up between us and it they will be all suspicious if we plan the same date to the same restaurant". Katie had a good point

"Ok then ask Ryland out and see what restaurant your going to. that way I can tell ross to go to this place when were out at the movies so we can follow you guys" me and Katie plan was pretty good so far she just had to hear back from Ryland and we were set to go.

"Ryland texted me back that it would be fine to go out tonight and he was thinking we could go to outback if that's alright with you?" Katie takes her phone out "perfect!" I respond. I loved outback it is like the perfect restaurant, It was kind of disappointing that we didn't have one were we lived. I race into my bathroom so that Katie can help me get ready for my date.

I really think that this plan will work.

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