Dont give up

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It's now Tuesday and I can't feel any part of my body especially my you know what he's totally destroyed me.

I haven't eaten and I finally am getting my first meal today.

It was a bowl of cereal, but it looked like shit. I ate it anyways

I'm not religious but I pray to god every night asking him to help me. I closed my eyes and just think about what's been happening the last few days and how I'm stuck I can't do anything about it.

I should of never trusted Ethan again. I knew it was a bad idea

I needed love not this bullshit! This was really nasty and if I'm still alive and someone finds him and me I hope he goes straight to jail. No one should be treated like this.

It so wrong.

"Listen I know that I've been an ass lately and what I've been doing is wrong but hear me out. I like you and there was no other way that you would of loved me the way that I do back. I'm truly sorry".

I look at him "well you could of just gave me a change and a good first date without kidnapping me and doing this crap. Maybe I did start to like you for real but after this you truly have lost you mind"

"I understand, you can go with you want" he lead me to the door and my eyes widen I couldn't be more happier.

"Jk bitch! Your not going anywhere now get back on the bed you know the drill" he laughs and I've never felt so sad in my life. "Babe I love when we fuck!" He says in a sexy tone.

"Well I don't" I moan a little and whisper at the same time.


"We can't sit around! We have to find her, she could be dead!" I scream and run around threw my house.

Everyone was worried sick about Adeline. Me, my family, Martha, Sierra and Katie and of corse the police.

"Dude chill, we all need to be clam the police are doing everything the can. It's all over the news and social media, we've tried everything" rocky pats my back and Riker and Ellington join in and hug me.

Laura, Calium and Raini were even here and they were all very scared.

"Well we-we need to try harder" I start to tier up and I stutter.

"We've tried to call Ethan's sell multiply times and ask what the hell was up but he didn't answer.

This was the last time we were going to call before I blew up and went out it find her myself. "Come on ass hole pick the fucking phone up!" I took out my phone and dialed his number.


I started to get frustrated, I didn't really know why I called her my girlfriend I just thought about it in the moment.

"Last time I checked she's not your girlfriend, and she's fine" he admits.

"So you do have her?" I slam my hand down on the table "listen Ethan be nice and give her back. We can do this the easy way or the hard way".

"I like the chase". Ethan whispers into the phone "you want her, come find her you have 48 hours good luck". Then he hangs up.

I run my hands threw my hair "FUCK!"

"Bro what up?" Ryland comes in with a bag of pretzels.

"Ugh!" I storm off and I walk out the door, I needed to take a moment to myself.

It was raining but I didn't care I would search high and low for her. This wouldn't of happened if I wasn't such a douse bag.

I put my hood up on my sweater and put my head down. I plug my ear buds in and listen to sad music. I was the most emotional person ever

I wouldn't say I cry over everything but this was something to ball about. Just then rydel texts me

Rydel: come back home Please we don't need two people lost, plus we have some news about Adeline.

Just then I bolt back home and into the door, I don't even reply back I just race back home. When I get there everyone left back home except my family who was sitting in the living room.

"Ross you won't believe this, the police just phoned and they might of tracked down Adeline's phone" I jump out with joy and I wipe away a little tear under my eye. "We can't stand around we have to go to the police station now!" I drag all of them out of the house and into the car. We quickly drive to the police station, where the cops are waiting for us. I didn't really care if I was speeding I just got out of the car as soon as we were there and the cops told me where they tracked the phone.

They drive to the location with us right behind them in our car and it leads up to a garbage. Please don't tell me her body's in here.

"We got something!" One cop yells he pulls out of the dumpster a iPhone with a pink sparkly case in it.

It was Adeline's phone but there was no sign of Adeline. "Well guys it was a false alarm but at least were getting on the right track, we will take this phone in for evidence". The police officers drive off and My heart stared to best faster again.

We were so close but not close enough.

She's still out there and we still need to search for her. "Ross buddy listen everything is ok, this is hard on all of us and we will find her. Dead or alive we will find her, I hope alive" Ellington gives me a serious look but then he gives me a joking look with that last comment he just said.

"I hope" I look into the distance and I start to sing some lyrics of some sad songs, It mad the moment more frantic with the rain and all but it felt right for a time like this.

It felt wrong knowing that Adeline was out there and we were at a dumpster, not looking for her. She could dead right now.

She could be hurt.

And were here, not doing anything to help.

There's still hope though and I'm not giving up such yet, were not giving up yet. "Come on, this may not be the time to eat but I'm hungry and I think we deserve some food" Riker grabs my shoulder and I put my head down.

"Guys it's ok, go without me". Tbh I wasn't in the mood to eat, who could at a time like this anyways.

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