Second choice

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"Come on, pick up!!" I tried phoning Adeline all day today but she hasn't picked up, at all. "Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a detailed message at the beep" every time I call she goes straight to voice mail and this been about ten times now!

I know she must be mad about yesterday, how she texted me and I didn't answer but I have a perfectly good explanation on why I didn't answer. That's why I've been trying to phone her to give my reason on why I sort of ignored her yesterday.

She probably wants nothing to do with me.

"Hey Adeline, it's me ross again. I've phoned like fifty times now and I really need to talk to you, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your message yesterday. I feel really bad please pick up and we can chat about it. K thanks, love you, bye" those were just a few messages I've sent to her. Some were like 'yo pick up!' Then others were a long message of some sort and I've even tried contacting her social medias like Instagram and twitter.

Leaving tweets on my phone like... "I wish this one person would pick up" :(

People started to get the hint and some fans are like 'he's talking about his gf Adeline".
The Radeline drama begins.

some Fans online can be really nice but also mean! like look at what some people have said on here:

@Pinkieglitter99 sometimes I wish ross was single again :( he's let down his fans.

@Georgia03 guys just be happy and ship radeline!! If ross is happy then why can't we be happy for him? Obviously your not a fan.

@Rockysguitar I think this fandom is crazy!! We don't support anyone's decisions, thoughts or opinions.

@Baegoalross I totally agree!! 100% we need to support his career, life and his girlfriend. He only kisses and acts nice around laura because they have too. The director tells them to do that and They act together. They may be really good friends out of rehearsal But this is real life and he's allowed to have a girlfriend out side of the show. Go ross!

Rydeliscute4567 were his fans though and he disrespected us! We got him to were he is now and he needs to be a role model! Raura is life and Radeline is weird >.< I don't like her either she seems like she's using ross for fame and money.

Rossshorsexypants2 how is he disrespecting us? He still loves his fans and you don't have to like Radeline but you don't have to be a shit head about it. Do you hostly think ross sees these and reads them and is like 'wow I need to stop dating her because one fan said so' um I don't think so, he doesn't care and he's going to still date her no matter what! So bye haters.

And the list goes on. The comments keep getting stronger and more aggressive some people are supportive. There the true fans but some need to go, it's not like I'm sad and not making music for the fans and all that drama so I don't know what there talking about me disrespecting them.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have social media or fans telling me what to do because it's not there life! It's mine and they can mind there own business. I just don't see how it's affecting them, I can date who every I want, I can do whatever I want and I can BE who ever I want! It's my decisions in life. Plus I haven't even screwed up that bad like other pop stars out there. Ugh it just grinds my gears! "Yo ross, can I borrow your Cologne?" Riker barges into my room searching for my special, good smelling cologne. "Um, I don't think so it's mine"
"Found it! Thanks lil bro, I'll give it back" Riker grabs it and throws in the air making a little flip with it. "Hey! Give it back" I tackle him down to the ground taking it from his hand "you didn't even ask!" He grabs it back and before I knew it we were both down on the ground playing tug or war with it. "Why do you even need it?!" I ask a question, Trying to grab on so tight and pull my cologne away from him. "Because, I just do! I said I would give it back!" He then grabs it back out of my hands winning the fight once again. "Ugh! Fine. But don't use all of it. I don't understand why you need to smell good when your just going out, why don't you use it for a good purpose like on a date or something. It's expensive" Riker puffs a little onto his chest "here, baby" he throws it back "that's all I need". Then walks out of the room god, he always gets his way!



"Phone back, thanks" ross has phones me so many times and I'm sick of him. What, he has time for me all day today but not even a hour yesterday.

It doesn't matter because I'm not answering, he can talk to me in person if he really wants to talk. Last night I thought about me and Riker convo and I decided this morning that it would be nice to talk to him in person... Alone. I asked if he wanted to go out for lunch today and he totally was up for that. Right now I'm just getting ready with some help from my girls. They knew what ross did to me because I told them and they knew that me and Riker were going out on a lunch date together today as friends. "So what did you guys talk about last night?" girls and there curiosity. "Nothing much, just life. He's nice and for a minute I thought I liked him but nah it was just my brain being dumb" no way could I like Riker.

I like ross, were together and even know I was mad at him I know that we would get through this 'little bump in the road' plus even know Riker was a charming boy, he wasn't the same age as me. that would also be weird to dumb ross for his older brother which I would never do!

I really feel like Riker is going to be a nice friend, I wouldn't want him to think he was my 'second choice' because he isn't. I have wanted to get to know Riker better but I haven't got around to it until now. Nothing really happened between me and ross so it's not like I'm using Riker because me and ross had a little argument. (More like me being angry at him, for no reason) If you think about it, it was stupid on my part to not answer Ross's calls today. Maybe he was really busy, like he said on his phone messages yesterday. Maybe he did want to talk about yesterday and why he didn't answer my message, obviously he wanted to talk if he called so many times. 8 to be persist, God why do I have to over react so much!

What ever I'll just phone him later and tell him how much of a horrible girlfriend I am and how I was stupid for not forgiving him, even know he did nothing wrong. Wait? I hope he knows in going out to lunch with Riker, I wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea or anything... Nah. Ross isn't like that, he's not the jealous type and I'm sure he would know we were just going as friends. I ramble on some more as I get ready for lunch with Riker.

This was going to be a good day, I could feel it.

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