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I got glasses for my blind ass

The week passes on fast Liam and Zayn hang out more and more Niall talks to Bella I have a feeling something is going on there. Harry stares a little bit longer than he did before says a couple more words to me that I did before I'm not complaining. He also seems to be more connected to Kendall than ever it's a little disappointing but I could get over it. I'm still trying. There is supposed to be a new student coming to his name is Luke I don't know why he's making a late entry but that's okay maybe he could be a part of a friend group I mean it's already expanding with Bella. Something I've been thinking more about is uni. I really wonder but sometimes what's going to happen to us when we all go to university  We're all going to go to different uni's I think some of us were even going to the states I'm more scared of how is how to stay in contact together with them,  will most of us even talk to each other I don't want to forget them. I really can't wait to go to London tho, I know most of us are going to London but that such a big crowd we're obviously going to lose each other there I don't know I hope we could be friends a little longer I don't want it to end I've always seen High School best friends close as close can we get. But as soon as college comes around it's all over.

I don't try to think about uni's anymore makes me sadder. the week passed on it's my Friday and all week I haven't heard a peep from Nick but I can tell he's angry he's giving me death glares in class terrified I don't really want to be alone in the halls anymore that's why I'm constantly sticking to Niall, Liam, or Zayns side. It's Friday at lunch and I'm sitting here Niall on one side what's Bella close to him on his side and we're laughing at Gigi and Maya cause the mistake they made in geometry Maya decided to ask how long is a kilometer, Gigi before the teacher could even answer said it's this long with her hands not even a foot apart basically to her shoulders and Mister Richard Got both of them they were absolutely mental he was laughing so hard because Maya agreed she thought that's how long a kilometer was. So we were all sitting here laughing. I don't think I ever laugh any harder this week than I did that today we were laughing at them their faces for red and they were laughing with us We're probably going to never let this one down.

The laughing dies down and I look across the room and I see Harry and Kendall but Harry isn't even giving her the time of day she's trying to talk to them but he keeps ignoring her I don't know what he's looking at but it's just looking away from her probably a lover's quarrel.

I look back to the group and ask

" so we are going to the mall this weekend to shop"

" yep" response Maya Gigi and Michael everyone else just nodding

" Okay I guess we'll just meet at like lunch we could all get lunch and then go shopping"

" We absolutely have to go to Nando's if we don't I'm killing all of you," Nialls says very pressed

"I think we should all go to McDonald's instead" I suggest to tease him so everyone else agreeing

" No we're not going to McDonald's I swear Louis stop teasing me" Niall responds kind of like a little whining child that is cute

"I'm just kidding Nialler course you're going to Nandos," I say back

he still has a cute pout on his face so I decided to tickle it out. I start to tickle his ribs and his face goes from a pout to a big grin and his obnoxious laugh ringing in our ears  I stop and we all laugh and go back to talking.

Just as I think I'm out of the clear and today is going to be an average day no 6 periods, has to pull some bullshit on me, and now I'm sitting in class Mrs. Andrews gives out a school project our first one of the year that we have to do with a partner she's picking people randomly. I hate doing projects especially group projects so I'm sitting there Niall and Calum are sitting at the front and I am in the middle cause we didn't have a choice for where we sit. Harry's to my left of me in the corner. She calls people to be grouped, in some weird way the Universe decided Niall and Calum are grouped. Lucky. But she calls my name looks down at her paper I feel like she's doing this out of spite and some weird way she knows what's going on with my mind but of course, I have to be grouped with

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