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I woke up the next morning and hear my mom downstairs cooking I walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth and in the process spilled mouthwash on the ground and I begrudgingly wipe up the floor. I can already tell this isn't going to be a good day it's going to be messy and difficult and I have the feeling Harry and Nick are going to beat each other up. 

I get in the shower take a nice warm shower to make me feel better I get out I was having a hard time picking out what I wanted to wear this morning I didn't know if I want to be sexy or simple maybe that I'm seeing harry more, kind of go for in the middle not skanky but not boring So I put on my blue Brandy Melville skirt it reaches about mid-thigh with the little slits on each side the Plaid pattern, of course, my white tight mock neck long sleeve shirt and a very baby blue almost white cropped kind of baggy short sleeve shirt in words Nike embroidered on it with such a dark blue looks black I put on Simple black socks and my white Air Forces with the beads attached to the string. Fix my hair into the cute quiff take a look at myself in the mirror 'I look absolutely fucking  fantastic' that's the energy for the day.

I head down the stairs and see Gemma and my mom hugging with Lottie eating breakfast and then see that everyone else is at breakfast we all have a plate with scrambled eggs and a piece of buttered toast and a glass of milk at the side. I sit down and already my mom and Gemma are done hugging and continued eating. I walk over to my mom and Gem gives them a hug walk over to Lottie take the braid out of her hair for fun give her a kiss on the head and sit down to eat breakfast. 

she's completely pissed I ruined her hair punches me on the arm and complains to Mom who keeps telling us to shut up and eat it's too early in the morning to be fighting like this we, both pout gem laughs at us it's time to go to school we finish our food put in the sink then walk to my car we all get in quickly go to school as soon as we pull to the parking lot we see Harry just parking his car.

 Gemma quickly walks out and meets up with him as soon as he sees her he gives her a hug and they just stand there. This is a very difficult time for them, and I know we can make it cause mom made it she inspired us to be as good as her at our ages soon as they finish hugging and they separate your return and see Nick walking update Harry but Harry doesn't see Nick. Nick looks at Gemma and puts a finger over her mouth telling her to be quietshe looks quite afraid of him, as he walks behind Harry he goes to Harry putting his hands over his eye to surprise him.

 As soon as he hears who it is he turns around and punches Nick to the ground getting on top of him and beating the absolute shit out of him we are all shocked me and Lottie only standing a few feet away watching this is Gemma screaming to Harry to stop. It's causing a massive scene almost everyone in the school is watching the two best friends beating each other for what reason no one knows except the five people standing there gem is continuously trying to get Harry. Harry won't listen he is constantly punching Nick. Nick's face is completely bloody I can see where his nose is broken. Harry's dripping with anger he is furious his face is red and I know I have to do something soon no one's doing anything I don't see Liam was anywhere or any of my friends around I quickly ran up behind Harry grabbed him by the shoulders he jumps back in shock but I don't stop I grabbed him by the shoulders Nick give him a quick kick to the side and go back to Harry and tell him to stay there

"Harry stop it right now" I say desperately 

"no, that piece of shit deserves every bit of it" he says scaring me 

"I know but killing him isn't going to do you or gem anything" I say back 

"it'll make me feel better the fact that he's rotting like a fucking animal that he is"he says shaking with anger 

"you won't get that satisfaction if you two are in jail for assault" I reply with conviction 

"I don't give a shit if I'm in jailhouse on he's in there with me I'll be perfectly content" he replies anger in his blood never seizing 

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