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Just like the first time in forever I've had a real talk with my mom since she went back to the night shift I was sitting on the couch I had brought my bag from when I just show up and sat down while my mom was drinking tea on the couch  the first thing I wanted to do was show her the dress so I took out the bag and put it against my chest my just like I was wearing it

"What do you think?" I asked her smiling  at her

" very beautiful boo, I love it"

" Thanks, but's what's your favorite part "

"Definitely the sparkles" my mom replied smiling at me

"Glad you love it, "I say back sweetly

" so are you going with someone?" she asks me with a smirk

"Not unless Calum get rejected"

She chuckles at me " are you sure there isn't anyone you like enough to with who is not a friend?"

" so basically do you have a crush on anyone?" I say chuckling

"what can't a mother want to know about her baby boys life" smiling while holding in a laugh

"no, but why do you want to," I ask sarcastically

"because I love you"

"aw why thank you," I say putting my hand on my hips

"Stop it," she says smiling " now why haven't you answered my question: do you fancy anyone?"

I whine, I know I will tell her eventually I guess now is a good time

" fine yes," I say rolling my eyes

she squeals

"don't get too excited cause it's never gonna happen"

" don't say that"

"I mean it"

" well, why?" she asks

" he straight has a girlfriend, barely know I exist, he is really popular, and all his friends are dicks and more," I say exasperated

she gives me an awkward smile as a way of saying 'oh oof'

"I'm sorry boo but how much do you like him on a scale of 1-10"

"solid 7.5"

"that's kinda high "

"I know that's the problem"

"I mean are you gonna least try something?"

" no way that's social suicide and I'm already hanging on by a thread"

" sorry boobear"

"it's fine I just why is the first guy I have a real crush on having to be him"I whine

" I'm sorry I can't do anything but give advice"

" no advice is perfect, give me some," I say sitting back down putting my head in her lap

" ok well, how long have you liked them?"

"almost 4 months officially"

"well ok well get to four months and if you still have a crush on them I'm afraid it's a bit more than a crush" I whine" so when it gets to four months and you still have a crush, go out meet people don't be afraid to flirt or talk to someone attractive find someone because as good as you always look people aren't always gonna run after you," she said playing with my hair"

I look up at her "thanks Mumma" I grab her hand and kiss it and get up "all alright I gonna go see Lottie"

"ok lou," she says putting on the tv to Netflix as I make my way upstairs

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