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      After we all go to the police station and give our Statements and they keep nick in holding while letting harry off with a warning and subject him to a couple of weeks of community service help around town and after all that we go back to school. We have a somewhat normal day not so normal the fact that everyone is staring at us 4 through the day wondering what the hell happened this morning and why 4 of us were involved in a fight. Everyone asks throughout the day from our friends to random people we never met before asking this what happened this morning.
Later today Lot, Gem, and I plan to go back to the Styles' house, course after I go to soccer practice we will talk to Gemma's mom and see what goes from there if so the worst word to happen we would pack a bag and bring it to my home and she would live with Lottie for a while. Currently, I'm in gym class and I'm next to Harry Styles who is shirtless and ignoring all of his friends trying to talk to him they're just dying to know what happened this morning between him and Nick you could tell that all today he was quiet and never talked to any of his friends at lunch has classes that I had with him. We are getting changed waiting for Coach to come in to give us a little talk before practice Because he's been doing that lately as I'm taking off my shirt I can see Harry staring at me I go to look back at him but he turns away maybe he wasn't looking at me maybe I was just trying to see what I wanted. But I can say after spending a couple of weeks next to Harry changing I find myself distracted I hope it isn't so noticeable that he calls me out that would be my last day alive I get an embarrassed chill just think about it. I was broken out of my thoughts whenever I heard a loud voice say "hey Harry Did you punch Nick cause of that little whore sister, Gemma" Says Noah the supposed to be a friend to harry and Nick. As soon as I hear that I know something Is about to start I look towards Harry he's bolting towards Noah who's across the locker room I'm just glad I'm faster than the big giant and able to grab him, as usual, running towards Noah just before he could get to him. I yelled Harry's name as this was becoming a big scene, I grab him by the shoulders and pulled back with all my might. As soon as I pull in back he stumbles and hits a locker. To which he starts screaming at me " I don't care about getting in trouble  I really don't care, just leave me alone and let me fight someone goddammit"  to which I scream back at him " No, you need to care because if you're in trouble you're punished if you punished you can't help Gemma you dumbass don't you understand that" "Just leave me and my family alone we can deal with it" " deal with your mother she can barely look at her, there's no way she can deal with it, we can help she wants our help. So stop" I say in retort to him. I don't know why this is the moment we suddenly realize we're in front of  the football team and they're all looking at us very oddly and it's an awkward silence when we're not talking. It's quiet for a couple more seconds are harry's still angry and starts screaming "what's this none of your damn business minds your own" I see Noah open his mouth I just know he's going to say something embarrassing " what the pansy on about? c'mon harry why is this little fag acting and talking to you like he's your best friend? are you friend with the fag?" I look at his face and  he looked livid I thought he was going to call Noah off for talking about me like that, I was sorely mistaken. "No. I'm not, of course, never, please be serious he's friends with my sister unfortunately so he is just always around"

That hurt far more than it was supposed to be standing there kind of stone face me outside the crying on the inside dying on the inside because why does the person i like can't stop being so mean for no reason. I need to take my mom's advice and try my very best to get rid of this Crush cuz there's a .5% chance of anything ever happening Between us and that's speaking of a needing miracle. Sure I'm called fag almost every day and it still hurts but the fact that everyone just stands there and doesn't care that I'm getting picked on even if they don't know me even the person you're coming to association with my friends or sister just don't care that you're hurt from this word I know harry realizes he's going to be seeing a lot more of me and he doesn't care about how I feel or affected it just feels weird because I care about if he hurt. Yeah I feel stupid so I'm just going to take my mom's advice but back to the locker room. I walk back to my locker and continue changing as a awkward silence sets over the room and soon harry does the same as me and continues to get ready by this time coach comes in to talk to us and gives us a run through of the basic practice today. Getting ready is over and we get in the pitch and start practice, practice was long, tiring, and intense and i just want the day to be over so after practice i skip the showers and just thrown on my after school clothes and walk to my car i make eye contact with harry as he getting in his car beside Kendall who just finished cheer practice as soon as i start the car i can't get home fast enough i get home and run to my room past my mumma, Lottie and Gemma watching a movie and head straight into my shower and simple sit on the ground over thinking my whole life and i'm just want normality. As i get out the shower i put on green plaid pj pants and a white crop top and shake my hair off and join Gemma, Lottie, and my mumma for movie i sit down and their watching mr. and mrs. smith, patiently waiting for the dance to come round.

sorry ik im the worst it seems like i'm giving up which isn't true its just i've got medical issues i've been clearing up recently so yes there will be more hopefully soon

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