Chapter 2- Jetlag

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???: Ugh my head...

A plastic crate drops to the ground with a loud thud as the man clutches his head with his hands. His eyes are drowsy and his face is dreary as he takes ragged breaths.

???: (I've been like this since I got here and a good night sleep didn't fix it. My respirator is on and yet I still have trouble breathing. What is this? An inter-dimensional form of Jet Lag?)

Intercom: Area analysis complete.

Suddenly the wall mounted speaker speaks and a few lights blink in unison as if it was talking.

Intercom: Analysis data available on COM-A.

???: COM-A? Where is that?

A computer console near the auxiliary power room gives out a beeping noise, an indication of a new development or update. Knowing this, he moves towards the computer though with a bit of difficulty walking and keeping steady.

Once there he looks at the screen, clicks an icon resembling a cog wheel and reads through a few lines of digital text.

???: Computer ID... COM....A! Exactly the computer I needed. The area analysis data should be here in the archives.

With some relief, he sits down onto the chair overlooking the console and starts typing on the mechanical keyboard. After a few clicks, he presses "Enter" and a loading screen window pops up.

???: There we go, just need to sign in to access it. How do I do that agai-


An light on the console suddenly flashes an intense beam of light directly into his eyes with intense power. The shock causes him to tilt backwards while clutching his teary eyes.

???: HOLY SH--

His chair buckles under the uneven weight and gravity takes over.


He falls to the floor, eyes squinting and tears dripping.

COM-A : Iris scan completed. Welcome back, Director.

Director: Uhhh... I saw the light, have I ascended?

COM-A : Negative, vital signs are strained but qualify as... "Alive".

The man, revealed to be named "Director" holds onto the desk and slowly pulls himself up as he fixes his chair before sitting on it once more.

Director: Nevermind then, open the archives and display the area analysis data.

COM-A : Affirmative, opening requested file.

The console shows a body of text which Director reads immediately.

Director: (Interesting...)

After a few minutes of reading Director stops.

Director: Yeah I didn't understand any of that. COM-A, please simplify.

COM-A : Affirmative, oxygen levels on planet are normal compared to "Origin". Air molecules are identical to "Origin" with nitrogen and oxygen being the major identifiable elements.

Director: (Then why am I so fatigued?)

COM-A : Gravity is twice as strong on this planet than that of "Origin". Temperature is similar to tropical weather near "Origin" equatorial region.

Director: Wait, the gravity is what?

COM-A : Analysis revealed that gravity on this planet is twice as stronger than "Origin".

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