13 a new year's special

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T H E G R E A T  H A L L

Hermione joined the Slytherin table in the Great Hall shortly after. Upon locking eyes with Abraxas, she rushed to the seat beside him.

"Brax! Lovely to see you as always. How was detention?" Hermione grinned, tucking her cloak underneath her as she looked to him.

"Lovely as always," Abraxas smiled, "Had to deal with another 2 boggarts as I was cleaning the cupboards on the sixth floor. Best to avoid that area for now." He winked.

"Will do, Brax, will do. Had a visit from your sister again?"

"Surprisingly no. It was a different person this time."

Hermione leaned backwards, taking his words in. Someone else?

Abraxas flashed a smile.

"Ah, whatever. How was that Ancient Runes quiz today? I heard it was the toughest yet. Thank Merlin I don't take that awful subject."

Hermione paused. Dropping her shoulders, she lamented, "Yeah, it was pretty tough, and I may have made a careless mistake or two..."

"Oh Mione, I don't think you could lie to save your life."

Hermione sheepishly smiled, "Lying really isn't my forté."

"Clearly, but I still appreciate you the same." Abraxas grinned.

Hermione met his eyes and smiled softly, hooping an arm over his neck.

"I appreciate you very much, Brax."

He reciprocated with his arm around her torso.

For seconds they clung to each other, thankful for each other's existence, for neither felt more at home with anyone else than each other.

Then they released their arms and scooted a foot away from each other to eat within comfortable distance.

And in comfortable silence they ate chocolate lava cake, acting as if they had not just reinforced their friendship.

"Chocolate lava cake's really my favourite." Hermione whispered as she licked the bit of chocolate right along the corner of her lips.

"Salazar, mine too! The dark chocolate they use in the lava really titillates (yoz another vocab) my tastebuds!" Abraxas whispered back.

Hermione giggles as she finds him humourously mirroring her actions and licking his own lips, crinkling her eyes at him as she nods her head fervently, "Yup, right there," a small smile appearing.

She felt so lucky.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

Tom Riddle sat on the opposite bench a few seats to the left of the pair. He had an empty space beside him reserved for her, and there she chose to sit, beside the boy who had everything.

Tom Riddle felt his jaw tightening, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her rosy cheek that turned pink from laughter, and he wanted to kill the boy whose eyes darted between Hermione's eyes and lips.

He had made his decision. He was going to open the Chamber of Secrets once again that night, and Abraxas Malfoy would be the Basilisk's first victim.

Mudbloods were menacing, but pure-bloods even more.

...Except Hermione.

She was quite the tolerable pure-blood, so she'd be safe when he lets the basilisk tyrannise the school.

Hermione shivered as she felt someone's gaze on her, and she looked toward the direction of Tom. Instinctively, he stood up and turned his body away from her, directing himself to his private room at the bottommost Slytherin dungeons.

Without another single thought she excused herself from the table and brisk-walked to follow after the figure of the only one who mattered in the timeline.

Abraxas only realized the emptiness he felt in his heart once she left.


She caught up with him in the hallway where she called to him calmly, "Tom."

He stopped in his tracks, turned to face Hermione and raised an eyebrow.

"I think... I need your help with Transfiguration."

Tom cocked his head to the left and said, "Lead the way Mio."

Hermione rolled her eyes at the insanity of the up and becoming Dark Lord addressing her with such an endearing name, though she knew it was all an act.

Still, she let her lips curl into a side smirk.

He could charm everyone with his smooth words and intelligence, but Hermione wouldn't let herself be fooled.

Unfortunately—or fortunately, the heart wants what it wants.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

Happy Jolly New Year ya goys 🤘
The last sentence is a mantra for us all, let our hearts want what it wants. And believe.

This was a short lil chapter cuz I absolutely had to recreate the moment from exactly a year ago when I published chapter 11 the night before the first day of school, year 2021.

Now it's 2022, hoping it'll be another good one.

Fast forward... It's 2024 now, and I'd really like to continue this ff. Please give me some time 😁💆‍♀️

Alas, Hermione and Tom will be back 😋

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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