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Disclaimer and Omegaverse
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Definition of omegaverse in this book is based on general depictions of other omegaverse themed fictions, there are changes and adjustments made by author (Minipaw) to make it blend well with this series. There are also supernatural characters in this series that effect the changes of omegaverse's genders depict in these books. There might be extra information about omegaverse in this book added for story's plot purposes and not stated below.

About Omegaverse
Omegaverse is a fictional term of an alternate universe, similar to our own but with total of six genders. Alpha male and female, Beta male and female, Omega male and female. In this series alphas and omegas has levels/types according to their amount of pheromones they can produce. Alpha can go to rut while omega can go on heat. More details on each of these genders will be explained below.

Betas are normal human similar to our own world, they can have both high and low status in society. They don't have any ability to produce pheromones or go into heats and ruts. Betas are 60% of the world's population. For thousands of years betas are in the middle of society's pyramid, right below alphas and right above omegas.

Pheromones are something alphas and omegas can release from their body when they hit puberty, the easiest way to explain it is how human can exude a certain aura that attract people. For both alpha and omega, pheromones also exude certain scent/smell that attract them to each other. People can have different reaction to pheromones. Betas usually can be also attracted to alpha's pheromones but a little different. Alpha's pheromo0nes can control betas and omegas' free will, and also arouse them.

Alpha males and alpha females are born with more dominant traits, means they're generally strong, masculine, tall, high IQ and good-looking. Though not all alphas have all of these traits, they made alphas become more successful, very valuable and well respected in the society. Most billionaires and philanthropists are alphas.

Alpha's anatomy
Alpha males can produce a lot amount of pheromones. Pheromones from alphas can attract unmated omegas. Alphas also born with levels of pheromones.There are high level, normal level and low level. The most common ones are the normal level. High level alphas' pheromones are usually so high that they can control even mated people. Low level alphas can produce pheromones but it's more difficult for them to get omegas pregnant if they're not in heat. Alphas (both male and female) have reproductive organ that can impregnate omega (male or female).

Alphas' Ruts
Alphas can go into ruts, at least 4 times a year, but can be triggered if they met their fated pair or showered by too much of pheromones from an omega they're attracted to. When go to rut they have fevers and can be aroused for at least 8 hours straight. They will have tendencies to copulate with an omega to calm their rut. When in rut, alpha's penis can form a knot during copulation, when they release their semen inside their omega, the base of their penis will swelled to prevent their seed from coming out, it can take up to 1 hour for the swell to subside and they can pull out their penis. Knotting omegas can give higher chance for omegas to get pregnant if they're also fertile and didn't take birth control properly. Ruts can be prevented by using a preventive shot called 'rut-suppressor' injection that can be obtain easily from any drug stores.

Mate and Marking (Imprint)
Mate is a term for when alpha/beta/omega chose and marked a partner for life. In our world it's like being married.
To mark (imprint) someone is when alpha bites onto their chosen mate's scent gland (which is usually on the nape of omegas, it is sometimes located more to the side of omegas' neck, a bit to the left if they're left-handed). Only alphas can mark (imprint). Alphas can mark any genders but only omegas can keep the bite mark on their nape, when omegas are bitten and marked, their pheromones can only attract their alpha mate and they will stop reacting to other alphas' pheromones, their heat will be less painful and more regular.

Omegas have the lowest place in society. Both male and female omegas generally born with smaller physique, and very beautiful features that attract alphas. For thousands of years omegas have been treated less, discriminated than other genders because they're weaker and go into heat that it got in the way of their daily life. In this series' omegaverse, omegas with irregular heats usually wear omega collars, the collar is made of very thick leather that can't be torn off by alpha's teeth, it can only be unlocked by the wearer.

Omega's anatomy
Omegas produce pheromones when they're around alphas. It's hard to control their pheromones despite thousand years of evolution. When not on heat, they can exude pheromones that can calm alphas down. When aroused omegas (both male and female) can produce slick from their reproduction organ. Omega females have similar reproductive anatomy as our world's female body and they produce slick from their vagina. Omega males have uterus and womb like females but different channel from females. The inside of their bottom's hole lead to two channels, one channel is for excretion, the other is their uterus and can produce slick, expand and function the same as any females' vagina . Omega males also have penis but they're generally smaller and doesn't produce semen that has any live sperms.

Omega's heat/ Estrus period
Omega can go into heat/estrus period after puberty. Heat normaly comes once a month and can go on for 2 days to a week, depending on how the omega handle their heat. When an omega goes to heat, they will feel certain pain in their lower abdomen, exude a heavy amount of pheromones to attract alphas nearby, and can only be calmed completely by having a copulation with an alpha. Omegas usually have shorter term of memory during their heat and mostly forgot what happened during the period. Omegas are the most fertile when in heat, they produce so much more slick than normal. Heat can be prevented by taking suppressant pills regularly according to their level of pheromones. Suppresants have to be taken before heat, it won't work after the heat began. Scientists are still working on making suppressants that can work while in heat but there's still no definite result.

Fated Pair
Any genders can be mated to each other but only alpha and omega can have fated pair. In our world it's like meeting a soulmate or meeting your match in heaven. When fated pairs meet, there are certain attractions that bring the alpha and omega together, it can be scents, appearances or just pure circumstances. According to the scientists, fated pairs occured when an alpha and omega have compatible pheromones which can only happen one in a million chances.

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