Chapter 2: Return of the Order (Part 2)

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Back at Jack's shops in his Basement, Jesse and Petra were reuniting with their friends who also happen to be in the basement, Axel, Olivia, Binta and Stella. Isa, Milo, Reginald, Em and Anthony were also there (to Jesse's surprised)

Jesse: Axel, Olivia! 

Olivia: Jesse! Petra! 

Axel: So glad you 2 are back. 

Petra: Well, looks like the Order of the Stone is back together. 

Jesse, Axel, Olivia, Petra, Lukas, Ivor and Lluna all hug with Stella feeling a bit sad. After they pulled off

Jesse: It's also good too see you Stella. 

Stella: Oh, thanks... I guess...

Milo: Hey Jesse. 

Jesse: Milo, Isa, Reginald, Em, Anthony? This is a surprise. 

Isa: Well, Cassie Rose broke Aiden out of prison so we're here.

Reginald: And we heard about what happened. 

Milo: So we came to help. 

Em: I was also just visiting Nell. 

Anthony: And I was visiting Stampy and Stacy. 

Em: But we never expected for something bad like this to happen. But luckily, you have an army now. 

Binta: Yeah, and my people are also being enslaved by these villains. 

Jack: And now our town is gonna be destroyed. We need to stop them. 

Stacy: But how? 

Nell: Yeah, they're so tough. 

Jesse: Well, we've beaten Cassie once before, we can do it again. 

Stampy: Jesse's right, we can totally stop these guys. 

Lukas: Right, let's do this! 

Ivor: Wait, where's Harper? 

Ellegaard: You mean your girlfriend? 

Ivor: Hey! 

Everyone (excepts Jack and Nurm) laughs at Ivor until Jack breaks it up

Jack: Stop it everyone! It's not funny! (winks at Ivor)

Ellegaard: Sorry, but it's true 

Ivor: Shut up! 

Jesse: Okay, time to get serious everyone, we need a plan to save Beacontown and Radar and defeat the Killer Pumpkins. 

Gabriel: But how? 

Jesse: Me, Petra, Lukas, Ivor, Jack, Nurm, Axel and Olivia will go up the tower to save beacontown. The rest of you can fight off those guards. Can you guys do that? 

Stella: We can do it. 

Ivor: But really, where is Harper? 

Harper: Right here, and I heard about the plan. 

Jesse: So your in? 

Harper: I'm in.

Lukas: Wait a sec Harper, you have Ninja moves too? 

Ivor: Harper and I went into the Portal together. 

Ellegaard: That's true, you've been gone for a long time.

Jesse: Now, is everyone ready? 

Lukas: We are. 

Milo: Most defiantly. 

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