Chapter 8: The Ocelots Vs. The Blaze Rods

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In Beacontown, Lukas was at Milo's New Inn looking for Diamonds to make a Diamond Sword

Milo: Why do you need Diamonds? 

Lukas: Aiden and I are having a Combat Battle at the Woods and I want to do it in style. 

Milo: Like Diamond Style? Okay. 

Lukas: There they are. Time to make my sword. 

Milo: You know, you could've just borrowed Jesse's? 

Lukas: Oh, he's out of town with Petra and Jack. 

Milo: Must be looking for his new destiny. 

Lukas: Well, Destiny Calls. Helping a guy get out of his body. Hopefully, it will work. 

Milo: I'm sure it will. 

Lukas: Me too. 

Meanwhile, Aiden was with his group waiting in the Desert until Lukas and the Ocelots arrive

Lukas: Look who's arrived, old friend. 

Aiden: Hey Lukas, ready for a fight? 

Lukas: I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. 

Aiden: Well then, bring it on! 

Aiden pulls out his sword and Lukas does the same

Aiden: Coming in style. I like it.

Lukas: Enough talk, let's fight! 

Aiden: Very well. 

Lukas and Aiden start their combat as they start fighting but Aiden was feeling hot as Lukas kicked him to the Cactus

Lukas: Ha! I win! 

Aiden: Again! 

Lukas: Let's go home guys! 

Lukas, Stampy, Stacy and Nell: Ocelots! 

Later, back at Boom Town

Nohr: Hey look! It's the idiot guys! 

All the Boom Towners laugh at them

TNT Dustin: Let's throw eggs and see how they like it! 

Aiden and his gang go to their home and then they see it was destroyed

Aiden: Oh c'mon! 

Axel: Ha Ha! Serves you right! 

Aiden: Oh c'mon! 

Meanwhile, In Beacontown, everyone was cheering for Lukas

Radar: Way a go, guys! 

Everyone: Lukas! Lukas! Lukas! 

Stacy: I think we're better than the Blaze Rods!

Nell: You and me both, dude! 

Stampy: Don't you guys think we're being too tough on them?

Stacy: Does it beat the Sunrise? 

Stacy laughs much to Stampy's annoyence

Lukas: Well, I'm glad we won! Aiden deserves it for being a bully to us over the years.

Meanwhile, back in Boom Town, Axel made a poster of Aiden losing to Lukas

Axel: What do you guys think? 

Everyone laughs at the Blaze Rods as they lost to the Ocelots agin

Maya: Worst day ever! 

Aiden: I get we we're jerks in the past, but c'mon! Was this really necessary? 

Axel: And you called my friends losers, huh? Guess who's the loser now? You guys!!

Axel and the Boom Towners laugh at Aiden and his group as they hide behind the Castle 

Gill: This is not cool. Now I know how it felt when we bullied them. 

Maya: Ya think? 

But when Axel finds them, he throws many eggs at them along with Nohr and TNT Dustin causing them to run

Aiden: I really hate this place.

Meanwhile, Lukas at his house feeling a bit guilty about Aiden

Stacy: Hey Lukas, what's up?

Lukas: Just feeling a bit guilty about Aiden. I know I been mocking him earlier, but I'm regretting it now. 

Stacy: Eh, what goes around comes around I guess. 

Lukas: Eh, your right, but still.

Meanwhile, Aiden and his group ran to Redstonia to get away from the Boom Towners, but they end up laughing as well

Ellegaard: Hey guys, it's the Order of the Losers! 

Schoolboy: Great, the Fail Squad is here! 

Ellegaard: I have the best song in the house. 

Aiden: Oh no.

Everyone laughs after singing the song

Ellegaard: Now that was fun! 

Olivia: Stop! Everyone! That was not funny! 

Ellegaard: What? 

Then the Boom Towners came in

Olivia: You too! I heard all about this bully and it's not cool. Sure Aiden bullied my friends before, but it was not cool to bully him back! I think we should all apologize. 

Everyone: Fine... 

Back in Beacontown, Aiden comes into town and they notice they were laughing as well

Aiden: Oh c'mon! 

Lukas: Everyone stop, please. It's enough. I'm sorry I bullied you guys. I didn't really mean it. 

Aiden: It's okay. I'm just glad we're done with it now.

Gill: Few...

Maya: Now that's cool.

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