Chapter 11: Attack of the Dogs

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Faraway from Beacontown...

Hit the Target: We have everyone? 

Veeva Dash: Right here! 

Hit the Target: Good, looks like we have every dog in the castle. All under my control. 

Veeva Dash: Now where are we going? 

Hit the Target: Beacontown. To face an old nemesis. This would be a cat, who's not really a cat. 

Meanwhile, in Beacontown. Jesse, Petra and Radar were taking a stroll around Beacontown

Jesse: Man, your getting the hang of this leader thing? 

Radar: Well, guess the town and I really get along. 

Petra: No kidding. I'm even loving the new garden Milo made here. 

Milo: So am I. 

At the tower, Lukas and the New Ocelots were training for combat

Lukas: Alright everyone let's see what you. 

Stacy: Let's do this!

Lukas: Now, I got all the armor stands up. And it's time to start practicing! Let's see what you all got. 

Nell: Hey uh... boss? 

Lukas: Boss? 

Nell: I mean, Lukas. 

Lukas: Yeah? 

Nell: Not to judge, but I don't see any attacks coming. 

Lukas: You never know. We just need to be prepared. Which is why I started this class. Ever since Cassie attacked Beacontown, I do not wanna take anymore chances. 

Stampy: Oh I wouldn't worry too much. 

Stacy: What do you mean? 

Stampy: Well, remember when we thought we were gonna get killed in the White Pumpkin's mansion? 

Stacy: That was a long time ago. 

Stampy: Yeah, but we didn't. I am quite confident that we'll all be fine. 

Stacy: Whatever you say Stampy. But I'm glad he's starting this class. Cause why not? 

Lukas: Alright everyone, let's start fencing. 

Everyone cheers

Stacy: Get ready Stampy, cause your about to eat my dust! 

Stampy: Let's do it!

As the Ocelots start fencing practice 

Stacy: Man Stampy, your getting slower everyday. 

Stampy: I'm just not good with it as I'm use to. 

Stacy: C'mon Stampy, you can do better than this. 

But Stacy disarms Stampy with him putting his arms up

Lukas: (facepalms) Stop the fencing. Take a break everyone. 

Everyones goes to take a break

Lukas: Stampy, can we talk? 

Lukas and Stampy go to the Order Hall to talk

Lukas: Look, I know it's not easy. I know how hard it is to keep focus. Believe me, I have hard times as well. 

Stampy: But what if Beacontown gets attacked and I'm not prepared. 

Lukas: Well, sometimes think outside the box. Probably on how Stacy beats you. 

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