Chapter 1 (do not read this story until your done with arc 1)

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It was quiet when a dark shadowy dragon came out from the night sky. The queen named Glory bodyguard Deathbringer  was up protecting the queen when he saw the dragon. Darkstalker come to kill the queen have'nt you deathbringer said in an eery low voice. "No im not doing nothing of the sort im here to apoligize actully to Queen Glory for trying to take the throne from her".

Nice excuse i wont let you go anywhere near the queen and the love of my life oh, no did i just say that aloud Deathbringer stammered. Deathbringer grabbed his blade and darted toward Darkstalker as Darkstalker got out his discs.  They fought and they fought Deathbringer got hit by so many silver discs but eventully Darkstalker retreated back to safety. 

Glory heard all the commotion (I mean I would wake up too).  She woke up to check on Deathbringer. the queen of the rainwings cried and cried this was the most she cried in her life (well besides when she had a really bad fight with tsunami.)  Glory does not cry easily.  She took deathbringer to the healers hut hoping he would be alright.

when darkness arises happieness fades.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora