chapter 4 A strange place

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Glory could not believe that Deathbringer got hurt that bad. Hes too precious to me to be hurt.

All of a sudden Glorys scales started to glow and glow and finally she was teleported to a sandy place. What is this place the queen of the rainwings wondered. Your on the mystical beach a place for dragons in need also a place to ship dragons together did you know that Glorybringer is a very good ship A turtle said Oh btw my name is rafael if you were wondering. Glory WHAt!   

Glorybringer silly!

The ship many dragons admire veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery much.

Dragons ship me and Deathbringer Glory screamed But hes just a friend. Or is he look into the pool of magic rafael said. It shows that you are in love with your beloved Deathy. The pool showed Deathy and glory kissing. See? Huh? listen this is the pool of TRUE AND EPIC SHIPS SO JUST KISS HIM ALREADY IM NOT THAT PATIENT GOD I AM A CREATOR OF MIRACLES NOT SLOW MIRACLES AHH the turtle ranted and ranted so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. True Queen glory wondered. Oh also this is a pool of the future. Im scared of you Glory sighed. You should for I am Shippermaker  rafael turned into a big dragon and said im the creator of ships you should be scared!  Shipper maker what kinda name is that Glory laughed. You make fun of my name and you dont belive in le ship. I Have no choice but to dance. The dragon started to breakdance and Glory mocked wow im so scared its like terrifying that you of all dragons can dance oh save me save me from this nightmare. HAhA ITS WORKING. Do you understand sarcasam?

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