chapter 9

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                                                                        "Guys" Glory called out.

                  "We can all fix this if we give each other a chance to work together" she said throwing Deathbringer to the gift of healing, evidently healing him. 

'What is happening" Deathbringer said in a very confused shallow voice.

"DEATHY YOUR ALIVE, DON'T EVER DIE AGAIN" Glory screamed at him.  Between all that talking and fluffy reunion stuff, a fight was happening. "You are lucky we even gave you a second chance" the guard said. "Hey stop being rude to him!" Toucan called at him.  "Listen" Cyrofreeze said ignoring Toucan."We can start another war or we can all be friends".  "REALLY FRIENDS, FRIENDS DO YOU THINK THAT WE CAN MAKE PEACE WITH THEM".  "You know what" Queen Glacier called out from the window,"today we are announcing a full fledge war on the RainWings and NightWings". Glorys heart began to ache welp she thought looks like we need some allies.

Hey Cyrofreeze whispered low enough so only Toucan could here, I have to tell you something.

"Im an animus"

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