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"I'll get it!" You shouted as you ran to the front door, when you opened it you came face-to-face with Tommy, Wilbur and Toby, along with two other people you had seen and heard of before yet never spoken to.

"Hi guys!" You greeted everyone and opened the door wider, gesturing for everyone to come inside. Wilbur, Toby and, surprisingly, Tommy each pulled you into a quick hug as a friendly greeting, whilst the other two gave you polite nods and smiles.

You returned the gesture, before deciding to introduce yourself to the two. "I'm Y/N..." You left the sentence with a silent question - and you are? - which they both answered quickly.

"I'm Bill." the taller of the two replied, he had black hair that was pulled out of his eyes with a patterned bandana.

"And I'm Aimee." the other one added, she was wearing a dark purple beanie and matching jumper, she had long brown hair that reached her waist.

"It's nice to meet you both."

Once introductions were over, you all sat in the lounge room together and started chatting. You were slightly surprised that Tommy's hate against you had completely disappeared since the call. 

It wasn't difficult to make conversation, you just felt a bit out of place since you had joined the group last minute. You pitched into the conversation every now and then, but never really said anything more than a few words or a sentence. Eventually you stood up.

"Does anyone want a snack? We still have like two and a half hours before lunch."

A chorus of yes' came back to you. You had figured everyone would be hungry as the would have come expecting a late breakfast, so not eaten this morning. You walked into the kitchen and unsurprisingly your cupboards were pretty much empty.

"Unless you guys are up for eating cheerio's I'm gonna go grab some snack!" you called out. "Does anyone want to join?"

Almost immediately, Ranboo stood up.

"I'll join." He said, before following you out the front door and into the street below.

"You know you should stay with your friends, I've already made you guys change your plans this morning. You should probably stick with them instead of me."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind sticking with you. Besides, I could tell you felt like you weren't meant to be there. We're all happy to have you here." He gave you a soft smile that melted your heart, before promptly tripping over a tree root.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, guess I just didn't see the root from all the way up here."

You chuckled slightly, before helping him up and linking your arms together, heading to the nearest grocery store.

-Back at the apartment-

"Umm guys," Aimee began, talking to the group. "is Y/N Mark's girlfriend?"

At her question Tommy and Toby both burst out laughing, whilst Wilbur frowned at the two.

"No they're not-" Wilbur began, before being cut off by Toby.

"I am so going to tell him you said that!"

"Don't do that." Wilbur scolded the two. "He really likes her and he's never had a girlfriend before, even though they aren't dating you both know for a fact he wants her to be his first girlfriend."

"Sorry Wilby." Tommy responded, making the whole group chuckle, even Wilbur.

-Y/N and Ranboo-

You knew what snacks you would get before you even walked into the store, Ranboo on the other hand, had no idea what kind of snacks would be at the store so it took him at least 20 minutes to decide on something he though wouldn't disappoint the others.

You paid and left the store quickly, realising how long you had been out for and you began to hurry home, Ranboo following behind and keeping up easily. You could see the apartment building in the distance when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You turned and let out a sigh of relief when you realised it was just Ranboo.

"Sorry about that. You were going to be hit." You turned back around in time to catch a glimpse of the big red bus driving past.

"Oh. Thanks for that." You said, standing to wait for the crossing light to go green with the small group of people that had now gathered. As the signal turned green you began to walk, when you felt Ranboo's hand close around your own, slotting your fingers together.

You felt a blush rise rapidly to your face as he did this, squeezing his hand lightly. You swung your hands together between each other until you reached your apartment door, where you let go and walked inside. 

"Finally!" Tommy yelled out as we entered. "I had begun to think the two of you where back at Mark's hotel-"

"TOMMY!" You could hear Wilbur yelling from the next room, cutting Tommy off. You chuckled slightly but turned to see Ranboo standing there bright red and looking down at his feet. 

"Hey Mark." You whispered. He looked up at you, still embarrassed by Tommy's comment "you don't need to be embarrassed. He's just taking the piss." You continued before walking over to him and standing on your toes, reaching up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. 

You walked off and gestured for him to follow, but put of the corner of your eye you could see his hand lingering on his cheek.

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