Boo Bear's the Bad Boy (Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder Fan Fic)

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You never know how much you love something until you let it go, in truth, you loved it so much, you never thought it would leave you. 

"Don't even try it, Louis," I warned him. 

"I'm a risk taker, once, there was a stop sign, I didn't stop," he told me, smiling his cheeky smile that I had gotten so used to. 

"Louis, just face it, I'm cooler than you, but seriously, put the hose down." My eyes that glared at him, I gave him the scariest look that I could muster. 

"You look like a kitten," he said, looking up, before smirking mischievously and spraying the hose at me. 

"You bastard!"



Eleanor's POV

I looked into his eyes, his blue eyes that seemed to penetrate me, as if seeing all my secrets. The ones that I've tried to loved, the ones I've tried to forget, the ones I have tried to hate. And I've only ever succeeded in doing one of those things. 

Louis' POV

Eleanor's hazel eyes seemed to hold many emotions, they were swirling with anger, anger that was directed at me. Her small, dainty hands were in fists at her side, as if she were contaning herself to not do something she would regret. 

But I saw her eyes move up and down, I let my smirk spread across my face, she had been checking me out, just as I had to her. I guess it was like visiting an old friend, an old enemy. Though Eleanor wasn't a friend, or an enemy, she was an old lover. 

"Like what you see?" I asked her.

She glared some more at me, if looks could kill, I think I'd be more than six feet under, and I bet Eleanor would be the one to dig the ground and be the excited one throwing my casket in the hole. I chuckled in my head, thinking of what she'd do. I was shaken out of my thougts when Harry spoke.

He looked between us both before saying, "You've met before?"

She looked at me with hatred clear in her eyes, "Yes, we have," not trying to hide the venom lacing her every word.

But no matter how much she hated me, I would always love Eleanor Jane Calder.


love you snappies! (yes I gave you names, chocolate or snappies, or should I stick with cookies?)


Boo Bear's the Bad Boy (Being Re-written) (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora