Chapter 2 ~ Fluttering Kiss

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snappies/chocolates/cookies this is all in flashback. Love you! Read on <3


It had been three weeks since the incident and school had been let out around a week ago. Tomorrow was the 24th of December. Louis' birthday... his parents were letting him throw a house party since they had to attend business out of town. He invited everyone in the whole school... except me. 

When Louis' mother heard I wasn't invited she invited me to come over and I wasn't planning on going. I had better things to do. Like, watching, reading and-and, oh, who am I kidding? I had nothing better to do. But I didn't want to go, I couldn't go, not after what he did. 

I was on my bed, scrolling through books on Wattpad. I mostly read the teen fiction, romance ones since they were what I wanted. A sappy, cliché, romantic story where the characters end up together. I shut my laptop after reading and stared at the ceiling. It was only three in the afternoon and I had nothing ot do, no friends to see and definitely not a social life unfortunately. 

"Eleanor?" I heard my mum calling from the other side of the door. 

"Come in!" I yelled. 

"Johanna told me that you have Louis' party to go to tonight, why wouldn't you tell me? We could've gone shopping earlier," she pouted. 

I laughed. "Well, I don't want to go, so, I assumed I wouldn't have to go."

"Well, you assumed wrong. Let's go!" she said excitedly. 

"But-" I started.

"No buts. Either that or I ground you, until you graduate. And, no Starbucks," she said with finality in her voice.

Many people believed that all white girls couldn't live without Starbucks, but this British girl would die without Starbucks, at least once a day. I mentally made a plan to avoid everyone and everything, and especially Louis, I wasn't about to say happy birthday to him. I was still upset with him. 

"Fine!" I groaned reluctantly. 

Two hours of non-stop walking, non-stop torture, and my mum making me try on about fifty dresses each time. We walked around everywhere and we ended up going to the first shop we started with and she also bought the first dress I tried on, finally. 

"Oh, your first party and I only have an hour to get you ready!" she panicked, running around the room, placing a bunch of things on the bed or the table where I did my homework, it was supposed to be one of those 'getting ready' station that girls use all the time, with the huge mirrors right there, but I ended up covering it with a bunch of posters. . 

"It'll be fine," I comforted. 

She threw the dress at me and told me to go change. I put on the dress quickly. It was a plain white, one shoulder dress. The sleeve was a few inches away from the bend in my elbow. It showed off my curves and it hugged my legs tightly. It came just above mid thigh. Making it seem sexy but not slutty. 

I came out of the bathroom and my mum all but dragged me into a chair. She curled my hair slightly, parting it to the side then messing it up a bit, giving it a more casual look, which I had to admit, look good. She ordered me to close my eyes, squint, open, and finally, I was done. 

She clapped happily and showed me what I looked like in the full-length mirror. I couldn't believe it. She made me look absolutely gorgeous. I had bracelets on both of my wrists and a heart silver necklace. 

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she ran out of the room and came back. 

She passed me these black 4-inch stilettos and I widened my eyes. "I can't wear that! I'll fall!"

"Yes, you can, do it for me," she said, her eyes looked at me pleadingly and I carefully put them on. I walked around the room careful not to fall. Surprisingly, it wasn't too hard, just took a while to get used to. 

"Ok, it's not that far a walk so you can go by yourself right?" my mum asked. 

"Of course," I smiled. I grabbed my clutch and headed out the door. 

Louis lived a block away from here and when we were young, it seemed like the best thing ever, but right now, it didn't seem like such a good thing. The chilly night air blew by, messing up my hair more, why can't you stay still, hair? When I finally got there, the music was thumping and there were red cups scattered across the front lawn. I carefully avoided the cups as I got to the door that was wide open. Nice security, I sarcastically thought. I looked around, carefully taking in my surrounding, there was a table full of bottles that you mixed yourself, people were kissing, people were grinding, everyone was all but having sex, except the ones that were drinking and just running around half naked, it was like a zoo right now. 

I slowly avoided the kissing couples, or the lust filled grinders, and the sweaty bodies. I tried to get myself to the drink section, hoping to at least have some water, or at worst some sprite. I had never drunken and I was hoping to keep it that way until I was old enough. 

"Eleanor. I don't think I invited you here today. I would say it's nice to see you, but it really isn't," a voice said behind me. 

I didn't have to turn around to figure out who it was. That smug tone, and playful voice was stuck in my head, there was no way I couldn't recognize it. 

"Louis," I regarded him without turning around. I was going to get a water, but I didn't want seem like one of those girls, so instead I grabbed a bottle that had some red stuff in it, and mixed it together with vodka, I wasn't sure how much of each I put in there, but all I know was that it was a very clear red. 

Louis' warm breath was fanning my neck and I felt goose bumps rise up my arms, and down my leg. I grabbed the small cup I had poured it in, shakily. I gulped it down, fast. It left a fiery trail as it went down my throat. Probably shouldn't have done it so far, I kept swallowing, blinking my eyes as it went down my throat, still burning as it went to my stomach. I started to feel the tingling effects. Feeling more relaxed and a lot happier than I was before. 

That was really strong. I tried standing up, as I felt a bit tipsy. This was werid. Everything seemed so out of reach. I suddenly got a great idea, I wanted to dance. Maybe I should drink more. How did I go from not wanting to drink, to wanting to drink a whole bottle. Alcohol was weird. But it was good. I took my first step and I felt myself fall. Now how did that happen? I should figure that out once I'm on the ground. 
But all of a sudden, I'm stopped in midair. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Suspending me, so I didn't quite reach the floor. A few people were staring but most people were still enjoying the party. 

"Be careful," his voice was familiar. His eyes too, their blueness were a bit scary though. L-lou-Louis! That was it. 

Oh god, Louis, I can't tell if it was him holding me in his hands that made my brain fuzzy, or if it was the alcohol, but I felt like I have to dance now. I started chuckling at how silly I must've sounded. Was that how I actually was? Nah, probably the alcohol talking. Or was what I just thought the alcohol talking. I shook my head out of my thoughts. I'd be arguing about it all night. I started laughing out loud, how silly, I was laughing for no reason. Wow. 

He looked at me strangely before he started laughing along with me. Actually laughing, with a bright smile. Not a smug look, chuckle or a smirk. An actual happy smile. I liked his smile. I reached up, touching his lips, the stroking his jaw. I knew the rational part of my brain was still there, but I ignored it. He grabbed my hand, roughly, sitting me back down on the stool by the drinks. His jaw was clenched as if he were trying to control himself. I broke eye contact with Louis, looking around, on my right; I saw a red cup that had a really funny looking liquid in it. I grabbed it and downed it, not really caring what was in it. 

Louis took the drink from me, throwing it away. "Don't drink that," he warned me. 

"Then make me something. I want to feel happy again," I looked up at him with my eyes, widening them as I used to when I wanted something from him. 

I look of nostalgia flashed across his face as he sighed. Mumbling something incoherent under his breath. He started mixing drinks, shaking, and finally, he added a lemon, some ice and a tiny umbrella in my drink. I started sipping on it, feeling the burn that I had just gotten used to. I stared at this drink, wondering what it was. I quickly finished what was left of it and was about to ask when I heard a familiar beat. I know this song!

"Louis!" I yelled. "This is my favourite song! Let's dance!" 

I grabbed his hand to the dance floor and danced like crazy. I was whipping my hair the whole time, probably messing up my mums hard work. But it wasn't like she would care, it's more like I didn't care. I didn't have a care in the world, I wish I could feel like this all the time. As I sang along loudly, some people laughed at me, some laughed with me. But I didn't care, I loved this song and nothing could ruin my happy mood. 

Louis put his hand lightly on my hips, guiding me, moving me to the best instead of me jumping, screaming, and doing whatever I was doing. That small gesture was enough to send sparks through me, igniting the butterflies, no, the dinosaurs in my stomach. It was nice and comforting, in a more romantic way, it didn't feel as if he just wanted to get in my pants, it was as if he truly liked me. He pulled me closer to him, turning me around so that I could see his face clearly, every line, every contour, every flaw, though I couldn't seem to find one flaw about him. But his eyes, his light blue eyes seemed to pierce through me, reading me, as if he knew every little secret. 

He looked down affectionately at me. He pulled me just a little closet to his chest as if he was protecting me, wrapping his arms fully around my waist. I looked away from his blazing blue gaze but he grabbed my chin, tightly, but not enough to hurt me. I was trapped under his gaze, he was showing so much emotion, I could take it. He leaned closer, closer and he stopped for a second, as if asking if it were ok for him to kiss me. But there was no doubt that I did. 

I leaned closer and our lips briefly brushed. But before he could fully kiss me, I was knocked off my feet. 

I don't remember much of what else happened. Just a few bits and pieces. But I remember the warm feeling on my lips even after it left. 

But the two things I remembered the clearest was this. 

"You shouldn't have kissed my boyfriend, bitch!"



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