Chapter 3 ~ Brittany

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Louis' POV 

El's face had taken an unsightly colour, her face was pale white, probably from the fall, I hadn't caught her in time, another thing I regretted. The massive purple, blue, black bruise that started growing on her jaw, another regret. I reached out, touching her face softly, wincing when I came into contact of the bruise. 

Brittany's blonde hair was curled and swept to the side, flowers pinned it down. Her blue, strapless, V-neck dress was cut way too low and was high enough down there to show her matching coloured underwear. All in all, it looked like she was going swimming, not to a party. She was literally just a prostitute. I looked at her in disgust, first, she punches the girl I've been pinning over for about ten years, then she comes to my party, dressing like that, and the punches the girl I like! I just had to say that twice. I can't believe I hadn't broken up with that slut already. 

I knew I couldn't, breaking up with Brittany would cause drama, for me and for Eleanor, and I knew she would hate me even more if she knew I caused it, especially if she knew me and Brittany were dating. I had managed to keep all news of Brittany and I's relationship to a minimum so that El wouldn't hear about that. I don't think it would go well if she knew I was just dating her for her popularity. That was the reason I told myself at first, now, I just didn't have the guts. 

Even then we had a very open relationship, I could have any girl I wanted except one person. The same for went her. She could sleep, kiss or do whatever to any guy, except one. Our dating was just for show, most people knew we dated, some thought we were just sex partners. Her cold, gray eyes stared at me. How I hated her. She needed to go. 

But before I could speak, her annoying, screechy, whiny voice found it's way to my ears, "Louis! Come on, how could you kiss her? Any other girl, there are plenty of other girls you could fuck, kiss, and do whatever but her, Eleanor was the one person I said you could never be with. You motherfucking asshole!" 

Just shut up, I bitterly thought. 

"Brittany, shut the fuck up, and come with me, right now," I said through clenched teeth, my voice getting louder. The party had started once the commotion of Eleanor getting punched had died down, now everyone focused on the shirtless girls running around the house.  

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. I wasn't going to lie maybe she was hot. But I didn't want her. Her caked face, her cold eyes, the slutty way she dresses, I just hated it, so fucking much. And the one I wanted was right now on the floor with a massive bruise on her jaw and she still looked more beautiful then any other girl or model. 

Brittany was a cake-faced bitch with a slutty style and fake... fake everything. There was nothing real about her, while Eleanor had natural beauty. Her smile was infectious, her laugh was contagious, she was everything I could ask her, the way her eyes light up when she laughs, her wild but beautiful hair, there was nothing fake about her. I slowly bent down, picking Eleanor up bridal style, ignoring Brittany's complaints, and carried her to my room. The music was softly playing now and everyone slowly turned their heads, questioningly. Nosy idiots, I scowled. While Brittany smirked, she loved the attention, she loved being worshipped and praised. Self centered bitch.

As we walked down the corridors and stairs to my room, Brittany tried clinging on to my arm, I shrugged her off, only caring about the angel I held in my arms, I couldn't shout, I was afraid to wake her, she might try to kill me, maybe she'd try to kill Brittany. Finally, we reached the privacy of my bedroom, shutting the door with my foot, I safely put El on my bed, tucking her in, but not before giving a small, but chaste kiss on the forehead. I straightened my body, stretching my arms, the felt empty without her, so light. As I stretched, Brittany took this chance to jump me and start kissing me. She held me in a death tight grip, I tried pulling her off, but damn, she's strong. I finally bit her lip, tasting her coppery blood as she let go, spitting it out.

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