Chapter 6~ Starbucks

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Eleanor's POV

Still Flashback...

(This is nighttime, the same day that Louis and Eleanor were friends again:)

"Why didn't you tell me you had to leave tonight? I would've made you go back sooner to pack, Louis! You really have to think these things through!" I said, reprimanding him, while stuffing his clothes into a suitcase. 

"I wanted to spend my last moments with you," he said, with a teasing glint in his eye. 

I groaned, passing him the small suitcase with what he needed. He smiled, picking it up easily, his arms flexing. Not that I was staring. His family had decided to go to London for a change of scenery, they were going to be there for Christmas and weren't coming back until December 29th. But as I looked at Louis' sparkling blue eyes, the day at the park, that kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

It was Christmas and our family wasn't one for big holidays, we had given each other our gifts in the morning, but after that, I was free to do whatever. Which sometimes sucked when you had no one to do whatever with. I guess I should just go shopping, maybe get a gift for Louis, and get some food, and some Starbucks as well. 

I changed into a green button up shirt and some black skinny jeans, I felt a slight winter breeze coming through the window, so grabbed a coat and a scarf to match. I left the house, taking a bus to the nearest mall where I went into Topshop, my favourite shop, looking for some items on sale. I looked around, scanning the prices of anything that seemed worth buying, I looked up, seeing a cart that said, 'Clearance sale, 70% off'. I ran to it, not realizing someone had bumped into me until my bum hit the floor. 

"Shit, I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I looked up and saw a man who was around the same age as us, blonde, unkempt hair with sparkling green, blue eyes. 

"Yeah, I-I'm fine," I stuttered. He held out his hand and I took it as I stood up.

"Well, ok, see ya around," he said while waving his hand and turning away.

I shook my head and looked through the racks. I found a few shirts and shorts I wanted to try on. I went into the changing rooms and put them on, all of them made me criticize my body but I shook my head, I'm fine the way I am, I don't care how I look. I decided to get a pair of comfy looking pants, floral shorts and just a bracelet I saw. I went to the counter, waiting in the line before paying and leaving the store, hoping to get some Starbucks before going back home. I walked around, walking around the corner, seeing a small Starbucks that seemed like a really warm café, I inhaled the sweet scent of peppermint mochas. Amazing. 

I stepped inside, deciding to order my usual winter drink, Toffee Nut Latte, instead of a peppermint Mocha. I ordered, thanking them. I dug my hand around my purse looking for the familiar feel of my wallet, oh shit. I opened my bag, searching for any small change I might've left. None at all, well, this is officially the worst day ever. I groaned internally. 

"Excuse me, I'm so sorry but I don't know where my wallet it but if could, can you cancel my drink, I can't pay for it so-" I faded off, not knowing what else to say.

"The drink has already been made, ma'am. I'm sorry but if you don't have the money, you can either be charged with evading of paying your fare or if you'd like, just work for your drink and-"

"I'll pay for it," someone said.

I turned around and there was the guy from Topshop, his eyes were fierce, a lot colder then what it had looked like before when I had met him. The guy behind the counter looked shocked. "Mister Parker, are you sure? It could be on the house and-"

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