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Next morning

Vante was now totally convinced that God hates him the most in the world. Why does he have to work so hard to get Jungkook's attention while Taehyung does nothing and get's all of Jungkook's attention?

He sure hates Taehyung the most for having Jungkook all over him. He hates himself the most for having same face as his love rival.

When he went to the class yesterday he saw the classroom empty. Everyone went home, even Jungkook and Taehyung as well. He doesn't even know if Jungkook confessed to Taehyung or not.

Vante was early that morning hoping that if nothing happened between Jungkook and his look alike then he would take the opportunity and confess Jungkook.

Not thinking twice wheather Jungkook will actually accept his proposal or not.

He slowly dragged himself to the lockers and pulled out the love letter which we writes to Jungkook since he joined the high school, and put it in Jungkook's locker through the little rectangular opening it had.

He then made his way to the classroom.

Vante slumped down on his seat and scanned his eyes around in the class. Not much kids had come, just a handful of them. One of them was Taehyung. Who was sitting in his place with his English book open and few papers scattered around on his desk.

He seems busy writing something in it. Then Vante's eyes falls on the small paper shaped hearts. His heartbeat stopped for a while.

What was Taehyung up to? Is he writing letter to Jungkook as well?

Vante shook his head furiously and put his head down on the desk. Taehyung can't be writing letters to Jungkook, it was always him. He saw Jungkook reading only his letters. He saw Jungkook take out only his letters from his lockers.

He never saw any other letter in Jungkook's had apart from his. So noway Taehyung could be writing letters to Jungkook.

Vante felt his eyelids getting heavy and slowly he fell asleep. You can't blame him. The boy was awake almost whole night, thinking about Jungkook and Taehyung and finding a way to get to Jungkook before Taehyung does.

Vante jerked awake from his nap and sat up straight. He slowly moved his head towards his right and saw his bench mate smiling at him.

Vante rubbed his head and glared at the boy beside him. "Why did you slapped me. Can't you see I was taking a nap?"

"It's not the time to sleep. Can't you see teacher is already in class?" The boy named Min Yoongi mocked.

"You looked tired so I let you sleep for the first period, it's the second period now." Yoongi added with a wink at the end.

Vante gave him a weird look, then shook his head and sat straight facing the teacher. He sat there wondering for a while when suddenly his eyes falls on the empty seat behind Taehyung.

Jungkook's not in his seat.

He immediately turned to Yoongi and ask. "Jungkook didn't come today?"

Yoongi looked over at the empty seat then back at Vante. "As you can see the place is empty so he is not there."

Vante turned his head back to the empty seat then slowly he moved his eyes more further and it falls on Taehyung.

Taehyung turned his head around and looked at Jungkook's empty seat behind him and pouts. He then looks outside the class, in the corridor then back at the empty desk.

That means Taehyung too doesn't know where Jungkook is.

‘Atleast I'm not the only one. Even he doesn't know where Jungkook is.’ A teeny tiny smile made it's way on Vante's lips.


‘Why is Jungkookie absent today? Aish! I miss him.’

Taehyung lazily walked towards the canteen, a pout visible on his lips. Sulking on every little thing, even when some students said Hii to him.

He was too lost in his own thoughts to even notice that Jungkook's bestfriend was walking towards him.

"Tae!" Jimin chirped happily and ruffed the younger boy's hair. Taehyung looked up at his senior and glared at him for messing up with his hair. "Don't touch me! And don't talk to me, I'm not in a mood to talk."

Taehyung says and walked past Jimin, his frown getting more deeper and lips pouting more. Jimin looked at the boy in surprise then smiled and ran behind him, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Why are you sulking so much? Someone said something or just a bad day?" Inquired Jimin.


Taehyung let out a gasp when Jimin pulled him back and caged him inbetween the wall and Jimin himself. The younger looked up at him wide eyed. It happened all of a sudden.

"Why are you getting angry on me bub?" Jimin whispered in the boy's ear and his left hand slowly trailed upwards and rests on Taehyung's thin waist. The younger boy chewed on his bottom lip and mumbled a small 'sorry'.

Jimin chuckled and pulled back now maintaining a proper space between them. "It's okay Tae." He softly stroked Taehyung's cheek. "Come on let's go to the canteen."

Taehyung nods and started walking, Jimin following behind.

While standing in the line with a plate in his hand, Taehyung turned behind and looked up at the boy and asked. "So... Why is Jungkook absent today?"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and furiously shook his head as No. Taehyung raised his eyebrows in surprise. "He isn't absent?"

"No. We both came together this morning." Says Jimin.

"But he wasn't in class since morning."

"He wasn't?!" Jimin almost yelled. "He sure bunked the morning class then."

As if on sue, there came the boy they were talking about. He slowly tiptoed behind Taehyung and placed his hands over the boy's eyes. "Who is it?" Taehyung immediately asked, trying to remove the unknown person's hand off.

Taehyung successfully removes the hand off his eyes and turned around and looked at a smiley Jungkook. A smile soon made its way into his face. "Jungkook!"

"Why did you bunked your classes today?" Asked Jimin while stepping in between Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook all of a sudden grew uneasy, his cheeks flushed red and his palms sweaty. He lifts his hand up and took Taehyung's hand in his and made their way towards a table, far from crowd, pulling the boy out of the line.

He made Taehyung sit there on the bench. Jimin came running behind the duo and looked at the scene infront of him in confusion. "Jungkook what are you doing?" Asked the eldest.

Jungkook gave a smile to Jimin and turned to the box which was kept on the table and opened it and took out a medium sized strawberry cake from it. Letter candles were placed on top of the cake which spelt ‘I love you’.

‘why do I suddenly feel uneasy?’ Jimin thought.

:: :: :: :: ::

Confession in the next chapter!!!

Let me tell you before hand, I'm not at all good at writing confessions....
It might be cringy 🙃

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