Chapter 2 - Meet the FBI

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"Good morning ma'am, my name is Agent Richards, this is my partner Agent Jagger. Can we ask you a few questions?"

..those names sound so familiar, but I've definitely never met these guys before..

"Sure, not sure how much I can tell you though, I wasn't here."

The two agents sat in front of me, one tall, with long brown hair and the other one, shorter, with a concerned pout that could rival blue steel. They looked very young to be agents but what did I know...why can't I put my finger on those names, man that's going to bug me. 

Seems like I sat with them for hours, going over the same questions, no I don't know who broke in or what they want. No I don't know if my Mom or Dad had any enemies. No I didn't know what time my sister came home, and how she got caught in all the middle of this.

I was numb, everything, everyone was gone.

The shorter of the two, Agent Jagger stood up, "look, we're really sorry about what's happened, if you remember anything at all, or if anything looks odd or out of place, here's our number, just call and we'll be straight round"

I thanked him and took the card.

What was I supposed to do now?

I couldn't stay in this house forever, I know that, but I just didn't want to leave yet. I hadn't really even left the sofa for the last few hours. The agents had left, the police and paramedics had left. Eventually the neighbours with their leftover lasagnes and nosey asses had left. And now it was just me.

I looked at the picture on the mantlepiece, taken last christmas in the snow. I slammed it face down and wandered to the kitchen to get a drink.

" are you...I thought you were dead?!"

I ran over, my Mom's arms curling around me, her voice in my ear, "There there dear, I'm not going anywhere, we've got important things to do." It sounded more sweet than I remember but who cares..The paramedics must have made a mistake, she's not dead. Tears ran down my cheeks from happiness.

Then, a warmth ran down my spine...this didn't feel as happy. My vision becoming blurry and my body feeling faint. I looked over to see a knife in my shoulder, my Mom's hand attached to it. As she lowered me into a kitchen chair. 

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