Chapter 4 - Back Stateside

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5 years later

"...Libertate servire, te rogamus, audio nos..go back to hell you evil son of a bitch..."

Black smoked filled the air as the demon in front of me left it's body. I feel so bad for.....Elaine Miles according to a letter on her kitchen cabinet..

"I'm sorry Elaine, I was too late to save you, I hope you're at peace." I took a moment to remember her before leaving.

I'd spent the last 5 years travelling around Europe, turns out they have monsters there too. I had to get out of town, well, out of the whole country really but now, I was back. Yeah so as it turns out becoming a hunter isn't that difficult when you know what to look. Freak accidents, spooky sounding tales of cursed objects, eventually you come across things, and like they say, practice makes perfect. I kept a diary, made notes of each monster I came across and how I killed it when I couldn't find the answer on the internet somewhere.

I catch my reflection in the mirror on the way out. Still the same old Daisy, just older, wiser, way more in need of a shower and some new clothes, but still the same Daisy.

I jump into my car, an old piece of crap that's worked for the last two days and when it breaks I'll find another one. I drive to the nearest motel , grab some chocolate from the vending machine for dinner and throw myself into my room. It's been a long week. I landed in Kansas a day and a half ago and discovered pretty quickly this little town had all the markings of a monster problem.

Didn't even get a couple of days to myself, but hey, that's the job. With the life I lost in Elaine, I hope I at least saved a couple more.


Why did I put an alarm on?

I groaned into my pillow and reached over to turn my phone off.

Huh, it's not working, why is it not working..oh, because it's not my alarm, damn these thin walls.

I heard a man shouting for someone to turn the alarm off, at least someone has some sense. Problem is, now I'm awake, I've always been that person that can never get back to sleep, well, may as well hit the road early. I'd gotten a call from a hunter I'd met a few years back, he said he was headed to Oklahoma and needed help with a case.

Back on US soil and on my way to you in ol' Oklahoma! You better have a pizza and a drink ready! See you in a few hours! D x


"Guys look, I panicked ok, I was scared, I didn't know who else to call and you guys were the first I thought of...well maybe not the very first but she's out of the country, but I promise you were my secon-"

My phone bleeped, digging me out of the tiny and yet potentially very painful hole I was creating myself.

As I opened the message a huge smile crept its way onto my face

"Yahooooo!! She's coming!! Hey guys!!!...Sam, Dean come back! I think I'm good you don't need to stay! Guys come back!.."

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