Chapter 3 - Salt Circle

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"Oh come on you stupid whore wake up..I've got other people to do and things to kill tonight not just your ass"

I opened my eyes to see my Mom's body, her hair, her little daisy tattoo on her wrist..but her eyes, black. The darkest black I'd ever seen. Her beautiful deep blue eyes were gone. They were never coming back. 

"Hands up you ugly son of a bitch, you're done here" to say I've never heard an FBI agent talk that way... the smaller agent from earlier came running in through the back door, a long silver knife...or maybe stake is a better description in his hand. Another pair of hands were tugging at the rope keeping my hands tied together behind the chair.

"Hey, so obviously, we aren't FBI agents. I'm Sam Winchester, that's my brother Dean. We're hunters, and we're gonna help you out this mess. Now I need you to go upstairs, take this salt, pour it into a circle and stay inside that circle. Ok?"


What the actual fuck am I doing? I'm gonna just listen to this guy who lied to me hours ago...I feel myself take the salt, my feet moving yeah guess I am...

I could hear the sounds of fighting in the kitchen, glass breaking, jars being knocked off shelves...I poured the salt , sat with my knees huddles close to my chest, covering my ears and hummed the first tune that came to my head..Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi...huh guess all those nights of my Dad playing his records at full blast did go in.

After some time, the sounds died down and footsteps coming closer.

"Great song, not the soundtrack a demon's potential victim normally goes with but you got my vote." I look up to striking green eyes in front of mine.

"Thanks erm..."

"Dean, I'm Dean, my brother Sam is the one who cut you free"

"What happened? Really?..come on don't give me that look, In the space of 24 hours my whole life has been turned upside down I deserve to know why some monster that looked like my Mom just tried to kill me"

He took a second, probably considering what lie he could come up with...

"Fair enough, she was being possessed by a demon. The same demon that killed your family the night before. We're not sure why, demons are just nasty douchebags that like to make life hell for others. But we stabbed and exorcised it and it's gone forever."

He took a breath, put his hands on his hips and gave me a smile...

"Are you joking?'re not're shaking your head...are you serious! What demons, ghouls, ghosts, monsters what you're telling me they're all real?!"

"Yep, and they can be real assholes too." Sam appeared at the bottom of the stairs, "now, I bet you could use some food in you, let's go, our treat."


"I can't believe all that stuff is real. And you guys what, kill them?"

"Huhuh, yoy knoa Maisie, it's not peasy fis duntit skuff.."

"First off Dean, it's Daisy, not Maisie, Daisy, and I can barely understand a word you're saying when you've got a half a cow hanging out your mouth."

He glared at me and swallowed, "I'm saying, this life, hunting, it's not easy, someone has to do it. Otherwise people get hurt, sometimes killed. Sometimes we're too late"

Another wave of anger fled over me, these things they just run around, destroy whatever they feel like and sometimes they don't even have to answer for it!!

"How does someone become a.."

"Absolutely not" Sam's voice was the most tense it had been all evening. "You are not becoming a hunter Daisy. This isn't a life we'd wish, hell, curse on anyone that didn't have to do it. It's our job, not yours."

"Sam, I can't just sit by helplessly knowing these things are out there! I have to do something. This time it's my family, what about the countless others!"

"Daisy, look that's sweet of you, heroic even but this isn't your fight, it shouldn't even really be mine or Dean's, but it is. The best thing for you now is just to focus on yourself, focus on a good life as best you can and try to put all this behind you."

Sam grabbed his coat as he begun to stand, he looked worried, but firm, as though he was daring me to say anything more about the subject. Like an older brother who's just caught his younger sister smoking a cigarette.

Dean chucked some money on the counter and winked at the waitress.."for you sweetheart", he turned back towards me, "well this has been...not fun in the slightest, and I really am sorry about your family. That card I gave you, it's our..friend, Bobby. If you ever spot something strange, give him a call ok...and seriously..don't go down this hunter path."

I watched as they walked away, the two of them chatting as they left the diner, they shook hands before getting into a black Chevy Impala...damn they had good car taste..and off they went.

Screw you both, no - one tells me what to do.


"D'you think we were a bit harsh to her at the end, I mean dude come on, she did just lose her entire family in one go."

Dean scoffed, "nah, look better scare and piss her off rather than someone else end up dead because she tried to be something she isn't. Although, it did look like every word we said was going in one ear and out the other so who knows."

I smiled, an ironic and kinda evil thought popping into my head, "I'll bet you ten bucks we meet her again, and she's either become a hunter, or we're killing her as a monster"

"Hah, you're on Sammy" 

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