Part 2

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Chapter 2

I sat contemplating what I would do for my upcoming 20th birthday. I never much cared for parties after mom died. I made plans to bake a cake and watch a movie with Bernie. At the grocery store that afternoon, as I was picking up my usual items a figure caught my eye. I looked but it was gone. I went back home to get ready to start a painting when a knock came from my door. I went downstairs and there stood a tall man with the most striking grey eyes I have ever seen.

"Can I help you, sir"

"I'm looking for Thalia Remus."

"That's me. Do I know you?"

"Not in this life." He looked down as if he were ashamed of something. "I'm Aidonus."

Thalia, it means to bloom. Bloom into what... I'm not sure. I looked at Aidonus and felt a familiar warmth. Never in my life had I been unable to see past a person's eyes. But his were so striking yet guarded. A beautiful... grey.

"You're not able to see past me are you, Thalia?"

"No I'm not. How did you know that's what I was trying to do?"

"Because you've been doing it to me for years. And for years, you have never been able to see what lies past me."

"I'm sorry. But I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Is Bernie here?"

"Bernie? You mean my dog?"

"Yes. He will help me explain everything."

"My dog will help explain everything? What are you talking about?"

All of a sudden we were in my apartment and Aidonus was looking for Bernie. I had no clue how we'd gotten here. Bernie appeared and began jumping at Aidonus as if he knew him.

"Bernie, my old friend, have you been watching out for her?"

Bernie then shifted into a human, well almost. I couldn't put my finger on it but he didn't look quite human.

"Aidonus, the last standing Kratosian. It's been a long time my friend."
"Almost exactly 20 years."

20 years? I sat there in awe as I realized that it was my birthday in a week. My 20th birthday.

"Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt this reunion, but how is my dog a person, I think, and would do you mean Kratosian and what do you mean it's been 20 years?"

"Thalia, my darling, I do not mean to alarm you. Let me explain..."

He spoke in hushed, soothing tones, as if he had a great care for me.

"You see neither you nor I are human. We are both descended from gods. I from Kratos, god of strength and power. I possess many abilities far beyond the explanation of this world. And you are from Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. Have you ever wondered why you're able to see so far past people? It is because you possess the same wisdom as Athena, the gift of foresight."

"Hold on here. Are you trying to convince me that I'm some descendant of a Greek goddess? You're on something buddy."

I start to push Aidonus towards my door, he pushes back against my hand.

"Thalia, listen to me. You are not just a descendant of Athena. You are the sole heir to her power. The only Grecian to ever possess her gifts."

I began willing him to leave. He starts moving back without me even putting much force on him. Strange.

"Even now your powers are growing. I am one of the strongest Grecians to ever have lived and yet you are able to move me."

"Look, Aidonus was it, I'm sorry but you need to leave."

"Fine. I'll go for now. But will you at least meet me for coffee tomorrow? As a birthday treat?"

Damn, I am a sucker for coffee.

"Sure, I'll meet you for coffee. Tomorrow at 10 work?"

"Yes. It works perfectly."

His smile was so warm, so loving. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the head. And I let him. I would never have done that with a stranger but something about him was so familiar, so safe.

"Until tomorrow, my dear Thalia."

And with that he left. I spent the rest of the night pondering what he had said. When I was tired of pondering, I started researching. Apparently Grecians were an ancient race of not exactly humans. They were a breed that possessed certain abilities relating to a Greek god or goddess. The most common abilities that each Grecian possesses are decelerated aging and resistance to disease and injury. Beyond that, Grecians possessed certain abilities based on the god or goddess they were affiliated with. There were no records of anyone affiliated with more than one. Aidonus had said that he was a Kratosian, the last Kratosian. Kratos was the god of strength and power. No wonder he was amazed when I was willing him out of my apartment. He had said that he was the strongest Grecian to ever live. I researched some more and found that it was unheard of for a Grecian to possess the abilities of a major god or goddess such as Zeus.

"Bernie, you can shift back. I already know you can."

"Well it's good to finally talk to you in my real form, Thalia."

"What can you tell me about someone who possesses the powers of a major god or goddess?"

"Well there has only ever been one other Grecian with those abilities, aside from you. His name was Eryx. He was a very powerful Grecian who possessed the abilities of Poseidon. But one day, when your powers began emerging and we found out you possessed those of Athena, he went mad. He was obsessed with being the only Grecian who had affiliation with a major god. He began turning the tides on our island home. Aidonus was the only one who could stop him. He imprisoned Eryx in a place as far from the sea as he could, down in the Underworld with Hades. For your protection, we moved you around the world as your powers grew. We knew there was something different about you. However, your first life ended before we could find out."

"Wait what do you mean my first life? How long ago was this?"

"About 600 years ago."

"600 years?!"

"You see, the reason that Grecians affiliated with the major gods are so rare is because they are unstable. They still possess the decelerated aging and resistance, however every 21 years a catalyst event happens and their power grows too strong. Usually they do not survive the event and are reborn."

"So you're telling me that I have had a ton of lives before this."

"Yes. And in each one I have been your protector."

"But what does this have to do with Aidonus? Why did he suddenly show up?"

"Because you two are fated together. Unless he knows you are safe, he will never stop looking for you. He has been doing that for 600 years and will continue to for as long as it takes to break the event of the catalyst that takes you every 21 years."
"So he's my..."

"True love. To put it more simply."

"But that's only a year before the next event. How am I supposed to prevent it?"

"That is why Aidonus has come once again. Every life he has spent searching for a way to prevent this. But in this life we have found something that we believe will prevent this from ever happening again."

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