Part 6

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Chapter 6

We walked through the gorgeous palace. We passed room after room filled with the most beautiful objects I have ever seen. At the end of the grand hallway, was a massive, ornate door. Hades used his magic to open it. The room was enormous with high vaulted ceilings and archways. At the back of the room, was a glass coffin. In it was a beautiful goddess. Her hair was the color of pomegranate juice. Her skin was pale yet the perfect amount of sunkissed. She wore a beautiful dress made of deep emerald silk, the color of my eyes. She didn't look like she had been dead for 600 years. She looked as if she was in a deep sleep. She looked as though she was waiting for something to wake her up. I looked at Hades.

"Do you mind if I..."

"Not at all. Whatever you need to do to access your abilities."

I walked over to her. Aidonus followed but did not walk up the stairs to where she laid. I picked up her hand, trying to sense any source of life inside of her. I felt the faintest beat, barely there. Her eyes were open. Hades had mentioned that he left her eyes open because that was how it was traditional for gods to be presented in their burials. Her eyes were a pale violet. I was able to see past them. Not far but enough to know she wasn't dead, she was just dormant. She was waiting for someone. I could feel her yelling for help.

"Hades, did you have a sense that Persephone was alive?"

"Yes, I did. I never lost hope that she was alive somehow."

"Well I believe that I can wake her. She's in some sort of dormant state. Eryx wasn't strong enough to kill her. All he did was take the majority of her life force."

I put my hand on Persephone's and began trying to will her to wake up.

Wake up Persephone, wake up.

Thalia, I'm frightened of what has changed.

Don't be Persephone. Your husband, Hades, he is so looking forward to seeing you again.

Hades, yes, my love. I have missed him so.

Might I ask a question though?

But of course my dear.

What was it like being here for so long?

It's been just empty loneliness. I feel nothing. I can not feel happy or sad. I am numb. I can walk about this white room. I can conjure anything I wish. But it never lasts. I've always wanted to return to the world of the living. To return to the Underworld, my home.

Why haven't you been able to?

I have not had the strength to return.

I'll try to help you escape.

Thank you, Thalia.

I saw a flash of white. All at once, I was back in the crypt room. I fell down, but Aidonus was there to catch me. I folded into his chest exhausted. Hades rushed over.

"Thalia, what did you see?"

Just as I was about to answer, we heard a stirring. We all looked in the direction of Persephone. She was sitting up looking at us. Hades rushed over and embraced her in the most pure hug I have ever witnessed. The embrace of a long separated fated one finding his other half. Their aura glowed a dull bluish purple. I smiled and looked at Aidonus. And that was the last thing I remember before passing out.

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