Part 3

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Chapters 3

The next morning, I went to meet Aidonus for coffee. Once I saw those striking grey eyes again, that was all I could think about. How much I wanted those eyes to look at me with nothing but love.

"Thalia... it is so good to see you."

"Bernie filled me in on what we are. Well, everything I couldn't find on my own."

"That sounds just like you, always wanting to do everything on your own."

"Aidonus, what is it that you've found that you think will prevent the catalyst?"
"Well that's something I told Bernie to tell you. Sadly you will have to leave him here. He can not travel where we are going. We actually have a very important meeting, in the underworld . We must go there."

"Go to the Underworld?"

"Yes. It will take awhile to find an entrance. Hades likes to keep to himself ever since Persephone was killed."

"Killed? I thought gods and goddesses were immortal."

"They are. The only way one can be killed is by another god or goddess or by someone who possesses the powers of one, such as us."

"Eryx killed her didn't he?"

"Yes. Once we discovered that you would become more powerful than him. He rampaged and Persephone was a part of the collateral damage. That is why Hades was so willing to let me imprison him in the Underworld. He wanted Eryx to serve eternal suffering as he had caused Hades to live without his fated one."

"So fated ones are important?"

"Extremely. You are bound to each other by your very souls. They are your partner. Many become immensely stronger once they have joined with their fated one."

"And we are fated aren't we?"

"Yes, Thalia, we are. I did not want to scare you or pressure you into being with me. I want you to choose me as I have chosen you for years."

"I'm not sure what I think. It's all a lot to take in."

"I understand that. I was hoping that you would be open to traveling with me to try to find an entrance to the Underworld."
"Well it is my birthday in a week. And I have always wanted to travel."

"So you'll go?"

"Yes, Aidonus, I'd love to go."

His eyes smiled before his mouth. They became warm and welcoming. Then the rest of him followed suit. He jumped up and hugged me. He pulled back after a moment and looked a little ashamed. His eyes said his apologies. I stood up and gave him a long hug. He stood a good foot over me but at that moment he seemed so much smaller. That embrace just felt right. Like I was home. I haven't felt that way since my mom died. We just stood like that for a minute, holding onto each other, letting all of the worries of the world melt away. When we pulled away from each other, his eyes were back to the warm, loving grey that I had come to know so well in so little time. The stormy grey brought a sense of solace. I could have stared into the storm swirling in them forever. I probably had.

"We better get you packed then, Thalia."

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