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"I'm telling you this story my dear Evander so you know the story of your parents. And how we fought all odds to be together. We traveled through lifetimes, just to see each other again. That is why we named you Evander, strong one. You are born of two of the strongest Grecians to ever live. Until you reach your full strength though, you will be protected by my protector, Bernie. Your father and I will always be here. You are surrounded by so much love, my Evander."

I looked down at my son in my arms. I could not read past his eyes too far yet but I knew they were filled with love and possibility. They were a beautiful green-grey, the color of our aura. I could see them smiling at me. I caught a glimpse of his future, not enough to know what would happen, but enough to know it would be a happy one. Aidonus came to my side.

"How is our little warrior?"
"Perfect. Strong. Just like his father."

"And his mother. είσαι η ζωή μου."

"Se agapó gia pánta."

I kissed Aidonus. My love. My life. I saw all of the future we had. The endless possibilities. The life our son would have. And none of it yet set in stone. I travelled back to see the eyes of my love. The perfect eyes that changed my life. Our green-grey hue surrounding us and our son. "The eyes are the window to the soul". Your eyes are not just windows. They hold your soul within them.

The eyes are the story of your life...

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