chapter 2

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The tip of my nose turned a rosy shade of pink as it hit the chilly January air. Flurries of snow trickled down from the sky. My lips became blood-rushed and limbs numb from the cold. I loved it. Everything about the winer put my mind at ease. Everything was just so white and pretty. The atmosphere could make you feel at peace in a matter of seconds.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I scampered through the piles of white, the snow crunching beneath our feet. The four of us had grown inseparable in just five months, particularly Hermione and I. Whether it was pulling an all-nighter on the weekends or helping Harry and Ron with their homework, considering neither of them ever felt motivated enough to do their own work, Hermione and I were always together.

We hadn't been angels all year if I was being honest. Trouble quite literally, seemed to follow us everywhere we went. The four of us took it upon ourselves to get lost on third-floor that was restricted and wander out to Hagrid's Hut past curfew. That bloody moron Peeves sold us out to Filch more than I could count on one hand. He was getting to become a real pain in the arse.

Nonetheless, I found myself in a fit of laughter with my three friends, reminiscing on what took place in our Charms class a few weeks ago whilst practicing levitation. Seamus Finnigan, a fellow Gryffindor, somehow blew up his feather in the process, just like he blew up a water goblet prior to that.

He had a knack for explosive tricks, I guess.

Harry and Ron stuck their tongues out in the air, hoping snowflakes would stick to them as we frolicked about in the woods. Hermione and I grimaced sent them looks of distaste. "What are you two on about!" Ron shouted with his mouth gaped open. "It's just like drinking water! Only in snow form!"

The two boys clearly were having the time of their lives in the snow, running around Hermione and I like complete idiots. As I watched Harry turn the snow into a spiral shape with his wand, I felt ice gliding down the tender skin on my back, allowing goosebumps to form all over my body.

"Ronald Weasley! I'm going to kill you!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs. Turning around to grab a handful of snow, I chased after the red-haired boy in the woods.

We sprinted through the leafless trees with snow in our hands, the sound of the wind blowing through the air ringing in my ears. It was painful, but a good kind of painful. It was that kind of feeling you only had as a kid.

After what felt like an eternity of darting through the woods after Ron, I lost sight of the boy. I called out his name in all directions, but heard nothing in response. The only noise was the frigid wind gusting through the trees. It left an echo in the woods. I started bolting in the direction I believed to be where we came from in an attempt to find my way back to my friends, but I get knocked down forcefully, back coming in tact with the snow.

I peered upwards to see Draco Malfoy standing at my feet. "Oh, it's just you." I let out a sigh of relief. Never thought I'd say I was relieved it was Malfoy. "Have you seen Ron anywhere around here, Malfoy? I lost sight of him and—"

"Potter." He said my name sternly and reached for my hand to pull me off the ground. I merely thanked him while brushing the snow off my back and face.

He was shivering from the cold. His usual pink skin was pinker than usual. I pulled my wand out of my pocket and he flinched at the sight of it. Muttering an incantation under my breath, I aimed my wand in his direction.

"And what do you think you're doing?!" He screeched in fear. Wow. Who knew I could be so intimidating with a wand?

"It's a warming charm. Settle down there," I scoffed.

He merely replied with a nod of his head. I grinned at the irony of this situation "Wow. Is this Draco Malfoy alone in the flesh? Where are your little minions, Crabbe and Goyle? Or are they fetching you your tea?"

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