chapter 3

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Hogwarts would never be the same now that the Sorcerer's Stone was destroyed. The lingering aura of restlessness and terror had vanished. The four of us could go about our daily life in peace without worrying whether someone would steal the precious thing. My brother and I were let out of the hospital wing just a few days ago, along with Ron and Hermione. From the way they looked after us after we headed off Voldemort in the dungeons, I knew we were all going to be soul mates from there on out.

Speaking of the stone, it was one of the Hogwarts professors who was antagonizing us all year long. That was all heavy stuff for twelve-year-olds to endure. In the long run, it would prepare us for what was to come, though.

Each and every student piled into the Breath Hall for the "End of the Year" feast. I situated myself between Leo and Percy Weasley as we all awaited the commencement of Professor Dumbledore's speech. I groaned at the sight of the Slytherin banners draped down from the ceiling. The entire Hall was filled with silver and green decorations to celebrate their winning the House Cup for the eighth year in a row.

Most of the students at the Gryffindor table were sulking in their own thoughts, especially Harry and Ron who were pinning their hopes on winning the House Cup. For Godric's sake, it's all Ron talked about all year. All of Gryffindor thought we were quite reckless for losing them nearly two hundred points in one night.

I presume Malfoy would take the opportunity to throw this in my face as well. He was anything but pleasant this year, tormenting me any change he got. Not to say I didn't do the same. Whether it was making my life a living hell in Potions class by getting me in trouble with Snape or nagging me in detention, he took joy in it. Any encounter we had consisted of nothing but insults, mostly coming from him cause the boy has no real class. Then, there were the moments where he just got to be too much and I had to fire back at him.

I was particularly talented at that. Leo took great joy in seeing me insult Malfoy. Harry and Ron did, too. Hermione just became uncomfortable anytime the stupid boy was around to think my snide comments were funny.

I snapped back into reality when I heard Dumbledore award Ron fifty points toward Gryffindor.

And then fifty more to Hermione.

And then fifty more to me.

And gave Harry fifty.

And lastly, what gave us the edge over Slytherin was the ten points he awarded to Neville Longbottom for standing up to his friends.

Cheers erupted from our table and hats were tossed into the air. Even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were beaming at the downfall of Slytherin. Speaking of, I peered over at the table all the way to the left, through the crowds of students, and saw Malfoy pouting with his head in his hands. I absently winked at him in an attempt to add alcohol to the open wound.

I reveled in watching his eyebrows furrow in dismay. Snobby git deserved it. Goal accomplished. Sage - 100. Draco - 0.


After packing our trunks full of our belongings, Hermione and I met Harry and Ron back on the platform to exit Hogwarts. Leaving this castle for the summer wasn't exactly something I was jumping for joy about. Harry and I were dreading going back to the Dursley's for the summer, but seeing as we were only twelve years old, we had no choice.

We situated ourselves in an empty compartment and shut the door behind us. The air in the compartment was thick; all of us were feeling sorrowful to have to leave each other for months. I never had friends like this before— friends that feel like family— friends who have your back no matter the case.

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