chapter 23

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{mature content warning}

"Sage, are these really 99% effective?" Hermione asked as she tapped her nails on the little glass vial.

"It's what the label says." I said, shrugging my shoulders. I poured the liquid from the contraceptive vial into my mouth, wincing at the bitter taste it left.

It was the second week of the month. I had to take two vials this week in order for them to be effective. It wasn't ideal, but I started the second week of June, so I had to stay consistent.

"You still shouldn't...have sex unprotected." She advised.

I tossed the empty vial into the trash and wiped my mouth, looking around for some water to drown out the taste.

"Please. I'm not that daft, Hermione. No glove, no love." I grinned and chugged an entire cup of water, making the sour taste fade away.

"Good." She replied.

I raided through my closet, trying to find the warmest pair of tights I had for Leo and I's trip to London today. Theo and Blaise were tagging along and he said something about Pansy Parkinson joining, which didn't thrill me, but I wasn't going to let her presence stop me from going.

"So...this date you're going on with Leo..." Hermione began as I undressed myself from my sleepwear.

"It's not a date." I slipped on a new pair of underwear and a black skirt. I struggled putting on the black tights that went up to the tops of my thighs. "Remember Theo and Blaise are coming, too? They're really nice guys once you get to know them."

"I'm sure they are. I just...don't want to associate myself with them if they're associated with Malfoy—"

"They aren't prejudiced like he is." I draped myself in a maroon sweater.

She clicked her tongue on the top of her mouth and kicked her feet up on her bed, resting a book on the top of her legs. I knew she'd never want to come, but I always wanted to extend the invite.

"Maybe I'll come next time." She assured.

"Hermione, that'd really be great." I replied honestly.

I adjusted my clothes in the mirror and put in a pair of diamond studs in my ears for that extra touch. It was only getting colder now, so I threw on a black winter coat over my sweater.

A knock on our door emitted from the other side of the room and I opened it with the wave of my wand. Leo was standing in the doorway in his winter apparel, hands in his pockets and shoulder against the doorframe.

"Afternoon, ladies." He grinned and walked himself into our room. "How's it going, Granger?"

Hermione peered up from her book. "Good, Leo. And you?"

"Can't complain. Wish you'd tag along with us today..."

"Oh, I...I wish." She said unconvincingly. "I signed up to help a couple first years with their Transfiguration homework. That's what I'll be doing all afternoon."

He leaned against the pillar of her four-poster bed. "That's cute." Leo glanced over at me as I pushed the back of my earring behind my ear. "Ready to go, Potter?"

"One second." I scurried over to my desk and spritzed on a few sprays of my plum and vanilla perfume. I applied some to my wrists and around my neck.

I weaved my arm around his and made way for the doorway. "You sure you don't need anything from London?" I asked Hermione.

"I'm okay. Unless you find a book you think would pique my interest..."

"Already ahead of you. I was planning on stopping in any bookstore I could find for you." I scrunched my nose at her.

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