chapter 20

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The rest of the week flew by as fast as a snitch through the air. It was a Saturday morning; Harry was holding Quidditch tryouts. The four of us were sitting in the Great Hall together for breakfast before we would all head down to the pitch. Hermione insisted on watching because she wanted to keep an eye on Ron.

"You know, Sage, it wouldn't kill you to try out this year." Ron suggested with his mouth full of sausage and eggs.

A chuckle escaped my lips at the thought. "Yes it would."

"She just doesn't wanna try something that she knows I'm better at." Harry said in a boisterous voice.

"Oh, shove it up your arse, Harry." I looked at him with a twinge of irritation. "Quidditch just isn't my thing. I prefer to be in the stands—"

"Because I'm better." Harry interrupted.

"No, Harold, because the only position I'd play would be Seeker. And I would hate to steal your spotlight after five years. Plus, every other position just gets bloodied up every game."

"Can't ruin the money-maker, now, can you?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

My head shot straight back and taking a seat beside me was Leo. I had inconspicuously avoided him all week. Or at least, I tried to. I kept the conversation to a minimum and tried to be with other people when he was around. My plan was to confront him when I finally got him alone; the sooner, the better.

"Hey, Leo. You trying out this year?" Harry asked as they clapped hands across the table.

"Nah." He said as he took a tangerine from the center of the table. "Not a big Quidditch head. I prefer to be in the stands."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all shot looks in my direction. I couldn't help the sheer coincidence that Leo and I had said the same thing.

"So, how many are trying out this year?" I asked Harry and Ron to shift my mind away from Leo.

"Loads. Dunno why the team is suddenly buzzing with potential talent. We've never gotten this many heads for tryouts." Harry said nervously.

He wasn't handling his Captaincy well yet. Harry had been squirmy all week and a good part of that had been the upcoming Quidditch trials. Though Ron had been Keeper last year, it wasn't promised to him again. Honestly, there was a good chance he wouldn't attain that status this year.

The four of headed down to the Quidditch pitch a few minutes later. Leo bid me goodbye to go to Hogsmeade with Theo and Blaise. He invited me to go, but I honestly wanted to spend time with Hermione rather than pretend like nothing was wrong with Leo and I.

Harry and Ron took to the field and Hermione and I found our spot in the stands amongst other students. It looked like half of Gryffindor house was trying out, ranging from puny first-years to seventh-years that towered over them. We watched as Harry first sorted everyone into five groups; one group was comprised of first years, another with little girls, and there was even a group of people who showed up without a broom.

Harry did the tryouts for the three Chasers first. Several people had broken their brooms in the last two hours, one person even broke their finger. After persistent sore losers who asserted that the trials were unfair, Harry made his final decision. Katie Bell, who had a flawless trial, Demelza Robbins, a quick girl a year younger than us, and Ginny Weasley made the cut.

He chose two younger boys as Beaters, both of whom I don't recall ever seeing in my life. It was as if Harry was stalling from holding the competition for the Keepers. The stands were a lot more crowded than they were at the beginning of trials given that most of the rejects had taken seats in the stands after being let go.

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