VI: The Convoy

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After the Eleventh Sister received new orders to escort Imperial cargo, she traveled to the Twelfth Brothers' room. "We have a mission." Before she could bang on his door, it suddenly slides open with him standing right in front of the archway. "And I have the identity of our Jedi friend. I'll inform you along the way." The inquisitors and a handful of stormtroopers gathered in a hangar and they took off in a imperial transport. As Quora's team and I traveled to our destination point, we arrived on a hill for a viewing point of the convoy. Then from out of the sky, came R3-S6. A rebel soon spotted R3 and thought he was imperial. "Commander! Imperial spy droid inbound!" As they prep their blasters, I stepped in. "Wait! Hold your fire! He's with me." As they lowered their weapons, R3 makes his landing. "This is my friend, R3-S6. Or Goldie at times." R3 beeps productively. "Goldie?" Quora chuckled. "What's that droid gonna do?" A soldier questioned. "This particular astromech was a former Separatists agent. I reprogramed him while leaving his personality and tactics intact. I figure with the Empire, I figured that ole' Goldie here could give us an edge." Quora and her troops look amongst themselves and all nodded in agreement. "Alright, the droid may join us." A convoy of imperial transport unites hovered across the sandy surface as we quickly dove to the ground as we observe them. "There's the convoy. We need to get to the conductor and stop it." As we hop on our speeders, we ride down the hill and and catch up to the transport. "No troopers guarding the transport! I don't like it." I shouted at Quora. We leap onto the cargo transporter and entered the cart. "Darryn, you're with me, the rest of you search the cargo for supplies we could use." As the troops marched to the back, Quora, R3 and I progressed onward to the front of the convoy. We travel cart to cart until we arrived to the head cart. Just as we opened the door, we were surprised to see the two inquisitors standing before us. "Darryn Y'Zalli." The Twelfth Brother growled my name. "Jedi padawan and traitor." "Oh boy." I said as I reached for my lightsaber. "From what I learned, you should've perished on Christophsis." The Thirteenth Sister added. "Commander, we were ambushed! Stormtroopers we're waiting for us! We can't—augh!" A soldier spoke on Quoras' communicator. "Surrender now, and we may spare most of you to serve the Empire." The Thirteenth Sister proposed. "I known better than to trust Sith. Let alone Inquisitors." I withdrew my lightsaber and whispered to Quora. "Take Arrthree and do what you need to do. I'll try to hold them off." She nods and and exits through the door behind us. The room was dead silent. I ignited my lightsaber, as they ignited theirs. The silence was broken with the humming of our lightsabers. "You got lucky in the village, but your luck had ran out." The Thirteenth Sister said as she pointed her lightsaber towards me. "How did a runt like you survive the purge?" The Twelfth Brother questioned. I remained silent for a moment as I ignited my lightsaber. "Are you two massifs gonna keep snapping at me? Or are one of you gonna actually try and bite me?" The Twelfth Brother didn't like that as he growls and charges at me. I anticipated that as I maneuver around him and gave him a force push that sent him tumbling to the wall. The Thirteenth Sister lunged at me with swings and slashes. Quora and R3 arrived to the head cart of the cargo hold and she blasted the two stormtroopers that was guarding the controls. "Okay droid, we need to stop this train. See what you can do about the breaks." R3 opens his CI compartment and insert it into the port and begun dialing it. Meanwhile I was still busy occupying the inquisitors. When we were at a stand off, the cart began to rock from left to right. We were losing our balance as we begun to roll around with the cart. "Augh! Blast it Arrthree!" I winced as I try to recollect my self. I scanned the wreckage for any signs of survivors. "Arrthree? Quora? Anyone?" I called to no answer. Right before hearing someone shouting 'Over here'. I rushed to the call for help as I help Quora remove the rubble off of them. "You ok?" I asked as I helped her up "Just peachy." She answered sarcastically as she dust the ashes off herself. It wasn't long before R3 manage to pull himself out of the rubble. "Arrthree!" I stroll over to him as I dust him off. I then turn my attention to Quora. "You ok? Any sign of the others?" "Don't know. I lost all communications after the crash." I got up. "Well, looks like those inquisitors retreated so, come on. Let's look for some survivors and salvage from what we got here." We then scour the wreckage for salvageable parts and any survivors. Some made it, some did not. We gathered what we can carry and returned to base. But unknowingly, we were being followed by an imperial probe droid.

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