5. Dream Date

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The next morning went as usual. [F/N] and Tsuki got ready and reached the class on time. They were just standing near the door as usual chatting with a few classmates when [F/N] noticed Gouenji at the other end of the corridor, approaching them hastily. She did a 180 and turned her back to him. She didn't want to face him especially after he had rejected her.

"Your crush is here, don't you want to see him?" Tsuki whispered to [F/N].

"Not really." [F/N] answered. Tsuki detected the sombreness in her tone.

"Hey, what happened? Why didn't you tell me anything?" Tsuki said to her in a sympathetic voice. But before [F/N] could answer her, Gouenji had joined the group.

"Hello everyone." He said and everyone reciprocated. Everyone except [F/N].

"[F...]" He tried to call out to her but he was cut off when she hastily walked in. This time she didn't sit beside him, she sat on the other corner of the class.

She didn't steal glances of him this time so she didn't notice how he was the one to look at her now whenever he could.


Finally, the class ended and everyone got up to get out and head for the next class. Tsuki was talking to [F/N] while getting up and they started walking out, continuing their conversation, leaving Gouenji behind. Gouenji quickly got up and followed [F/N] out of the door until he finally caught up to her.

"Hey, [F/N]; wait! " He called out to her.

[F/N] and Tsuki both turned around and found Gouenji standing behind them not so far away. [F/N] looked at him with questioning eyes. Before saying anything, he glanced at Tsuki, implying he would prefer if he and [F/N] could talk alone.

"Geez! Okay! Guess no one wants Tsuki anymore." Tsuki joked, feigning offence as she strolled away.

"Why did you leave?" Gouenji said as soon as Tsuki was out of earshot.

"What else was left to do?" [F/N] wasn't rude but her disappointment was evident.

"You didn't even give me a chance to respond." He said.

"Your silence was response enough."

"I was silent because I was shocked!" He spoke with agitation, "Not because I rejected you."

[F/N]'s eyes widened at this. Her gaze darted up at him at once.

"Let's talk more over coffee." He said gently, lowering his voice a little further.

Now it was [F/N]'s turn to be speechless. She had to take a minute to understand it was actually happened.

"So what do you say?" Gouenji asked again looking directly at [F/N]. He had now composed himself and was smirking as usual.

[F/N] gathered up all her courage to speak and finally said, "Yeah sure."

"Great! I'll pick you up at 5. " Gouenji said and then he walked away to his next class.

The whole day [F/N] was on cloud nine and she didn't even pay much attention to the rest of her classes. She was eagerly waiting for evening. She was mentally planning on how she will dress up for her dream date. Finally, her last class ended and she almost ran out of it to reach her dorm and start picking the right dress, shoes and makeup to go with it. But before she could take any step forward, Tsuki held her by her arm and pulled her back.

"Wait! Not so fast. We have to go to the library." Tsuki said.

"Why can't you go alone?" [F/N] asked. She didn't want to spend another minute there.

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