Getting to know??

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As Cherry got done with both of their homework she soon got up to stretch and yawn to which Tim watched silently while studying her unsure how to respond. He quietly slipped over to his bed side to which he brought out a bean bag out from his closet and told her it was ok she used it whenever

"So tell me about yourself?? Where are you from??" Tim asked with a curious and more clear tone to which he's rather more energized.

"Hm, well I guess I'll start with the basics. I'm actually Russian but I was born over in Sasebo Japan. I moved back to Russia when I was about somewhere between ten to thirteen years old but I guess I'm here now in America now." Cherry replied as she sounded a bit nervous but tired while they both studied each other and made basic eye contact and smiled at each other which seemed awkward from a third person.

"Oh wow that's so cool. What made you go back to Russia and then come here??" Tim asked as he's interested into what Cherry has to say of all this.

"Well, it was basically time to go back to Russia since apparently we reached our limit of how long we can stay, but I can claim to be a Japanese citizen if I want to by the time I'm eighteen. Though moving here I don't want to say..." Cherry replied as her eyes darted to a corner knowing her dark history though Tim can tell she's hiding something almost as if it wasn't a good one.

Tim nods soon they both heard a knock at their dorm room as Tim replied the door is unlocked to which Brian his right hand man comes in with a soft smile on his face as he nods with a soft 'hello'.

"Hello, hope I'm not intruding on your new roommate but thought I'd see how things are going and see what they may look like..." Brian replied as he glanced over at Cherry looking her over a few times before back over to Tim as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh well we're actually getting to know each other. I guess this ends our little time on that subject for now. Heh well hey Brian and I are about to head out to grab something to eat off campus, would you like to join us on that quest??" Tim asked as he saw her carefully looking Brian over a few times herself before back at Tim.

Cherry shook her head in return of declining the whole thing as in not wanting to interrupt them from their time together. Tim nods as he got himself up and walked over towards Brian and pats him on the back telling him to 'let's go' as Tim was the first to leave and around the corner Brian stood back a bit and glared at Cherry with a neutral glares and replied.

"You dare hurt him or his feelings I will personally hunt you down myself and I promise I won't go easy on you..." Brian replied just before he heard Tim telling him to hurry up, not hearing what he said just before the door was closed leaving Cherry alone in the room to herself and her thoughts. Just then Cherry would question that herself as Tim seemed like he'd handle himself if she herself got out of line around him....

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