The waking alarm

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The sound of an alarm blared at seven in the morning, blankets shuffling as if racing to shut the alarm up. Cherries wrinkled face as if annoyed being woken up, turning the alarm off to see Tim laying there in bed facing her. His eyes had suddenly shot open, he'd yawn and stretch soon propping himself up to his elbow.

"Morning, how was your sleep?? Hope I wasn't to loud last night if I ever snored." He asked as he soon got himself up to get dressed for the day.

' Should I tell him?? For what happened last night, or should it be kept unsaid...' cherry thought to herself for a moment, drawing a blank at a now empty bed before glancing over to Tim that's now putting his jacket on. The one jacket that makes him rather attractive.

"Slept fine, you didn't wake me so your fine. Don't worry." Cherry replied with a soft smile on her but it was obvious she held something from him but he knew from experience that he can draw blanks and not be aware of it.

"There's something to it, what's up??" He asked but she had some doubts of wanting to tell him what had happened but tells him anyways.

"Last night, you went out with your friend Brian. I was a little startled by the fact you came back so soon because you just toward over me and stared for five minutes and left.." Telling him the whole situation to which he brushed it off as if nothing really happened but didn't want her to freak out.

"Well sometimes I draw blanks and I can't remember the events such as that. You probably think I'm weird now." He replied with a small sigh and somewhat a sorrow expression.

"Oh no it's fine, I still think your pretty cool. After class we can probably go get something to eat, if you'd like." She asked as if gesturing for a small date to make up for his sorrow. He nods with a smile on his face, grabbing his cigarettes and lighter to which he soon followed her trail out the door and off to English class.

What is there to love? Masky x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora