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dark silhouette against prague's holy lights

i'll call our image
a bruise and a girl
as my grandfather always used to call us
a bruise and a girl

you are a bruise
the rupture of underlying bloodvessles
and secrets and lies
dressed in nothing but envy
your glances lay heavy
naked man
devil created

you overtower any church
any pain
because you will always be more painful
you overtower any darkness
(once i was told how great that is)
you overtower any darkness
because you will always be darker
you are the darkest

i'll call our image
a bruise and a girl
as i think of it everytime
i lay crying on your chest
you close the blinds
you whisper
"my my"

i smile sadly
when one day a street artist stops us
he draws us
red handbag
hand on my ass
dress you possess
slammed, damned, never unmanned
he laughs "a bruise and a girl"

i behold the drawing
and as always
you overtower me
you whisper in my ear
"my my, sincere"

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