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as a street child
i'm roaming the streets of your heart
take me in, please
i beg you
take me in

take these distorted pieces of my soul
hide them deep within you
look at these little fragile things i offer you
let me give them to you

for i have been pummeled by loss and neglect and upheaval
and as a street child
roaming the streets of your heart
i scream at the cathedralic windows of your heart:
take it all
leave my wicked flesh behind if you must
but please,
take these distorted pieces of my soul
little fragile things i offer you
take all the widows, ghosts and lovers that hide in me

take them in
let me roam you

(author's note: i wrote this back in march. now, four months later, i can't seem to write at all. no matter how many pens and expensive notebooks i steal, all noble, velvety and very very empty, i don't find the words. some would call me speechless, perhaps.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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